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How often do you use these resources and offerings from JPL Education?
Classroom Activities
DIY projects
Educational videos and tutorials
Educator workshops
Classroom connections (webinars)
Live streamed and recorded talks
Other education events
Other professional development (classroom visits, consulting, training)
Educator Resource Center
Teachable Moments articles
Education news articles
Meet JPL Interns articles
Career advice
Student contests and challenges
Information about internships
Social media updates
Email newsletter
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What is one or some of the ways you use JPL Education resources?
Do you have any favorite JPL Education resources? What are they and why? 
How important is Spanish-language content for you, your students and/or their parents?
Not very important
Extremely important
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What other resources or offerings would you like to see from JPL Education?
How did you first learn about JPL Education?
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How do you typically learn about new resources and offerings from JPL Education? Select all that apply.
How often do you visit the JPL Education Website?
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How often do you use these resources and offerings on other NASA websites?
News articles
Stories about NASA people
Live streams
Image galleries
Interactives (JPL Virtual Tour, Eyes on the Solar System, etc.)
Social media updates
Email news alerts
Games for kids
Articles for kids
Coloring pages
Job listings
Planet facts and figures
Mission facts and figures
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What's one thing JPL Education could do to improve?
What's one thing JPL Education does well?
What impact, if any, have JPL Education resources and offerings had on your teaching, students, family, and/or community?
Would you like to share any other feedback or comments about JPL Education? 
Email address (if you would like to be contacted about future opportunities to provide feedback)
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