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World Stamp Catalogue/Moldova/1995

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1994 ---- Stamp Catalogue of Moldova 1995 ---- 1996

Mushrooms (Edible)

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1995-03-04 Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
153 Russula. Russula virescens
154 Boletus. Boletus luridus
155 Chantarelle. Cantharellus cibarius
156 Orange-cap boletus. Leccinum aurantiacum
157 Brown cap boletus. Leccinum duriusculum

The European Year of Nature Protection ’95.

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1995-03-18 Perf 13 3/4
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
158 Eagle.Hieraaetus pennatus
159 Roe deer.Capreolus capreolus
160 Wild boar.Sus scrofa

Moldovan museums’ patrimony. National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History.

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1995-04-08 Perf 13 3/4:14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
161 The treasure of Chetroşica (IIIrd c. B. C.). Discovered in 1994 near the village Chetroşica.
162 Dinotherium gigantissimum Ştef. The skeleton was found in 1966 near the village Pripiceni. The first description of this animal was made by the scientist Grigorie Ştefănescu (1836-1911).
163 Getic silver coins (III-IInd cc. B. C.). The treasure was discovered in 1972 near the village Zabriceni

Europe ’95. Peace and Liberty.

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1995-05-09 Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
164 May 1945 (1975). I. Vieru
165 Peace (1984). S. Cuciuc
166 Spring 1944 (1978). S. Cuciuc

Outstanding people.

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1995-06-16 Perf 133/4:14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
167 Constantin Stere (1865-1936). Politician and writer.
168 Tamara Ceban (1914-1990). Folk-music singer.
169 Alexandru Plămădeală (1888-1940). Sculptor, author of the Ştefan-cel-Mare-Monument in Chişinău.
170 Lucian Blaga (1895-1961). Philosopher and poet

Moldovan Rulers (II).

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1995-07-02 Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
171 Alexandru cel Bun (1400-1432). Pursues the consolidation of the centralised feudal state. Strengthened the organisation of the military. Contributed to the recognition of the metropolitan bishops seat Suceava by the Constantinople patriarchy.
172 Petru Aron (1451-1452, 1454-1457). Son of Alexandru cel Bun. Orientated towards Turkey, paying a tribute to the sultan.
173 Ştefan cel Mare (1457-1504). Politician with a broad view, a good organiser and diplomat, one of the best military commanders of his time. During his reign he led 36 wars, out of which won 34. Fought for the maintenance and consolidation of Moldova´s independence against the Turks, Poles and Hungarians.
174 Petru Rareş (1527-1538, 1541-1546). A follower of the Slavonic church and culture, he applied the policy of strengthening the central power, an anti-Turkish policy with the support of minor boyars and of the merchants. The most beautiful building erected during his reign is the monastery Probota, where he is buried.
175 Alexandru Lăpuşneanu (1552-1561, 1564-1568). Moved Moldova´s Capital from Suceava to Jassy. Treated the boyars cruelly, that fact cost him his life.
176 Ioan Vodă cel Cumplit (1572-1574). Applied the policy of strengthening the central power and liberation of the country from under the Ottoman influence, impairing the interests of boyars, which called him “Cumplit” - Cruel.
Miniature sheets 5. Ştefan cel Mare (1457-1504)

Moldovan Medieval Fortresses

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1995-07-29 Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
178 Fortress Soroca. Erected by Ştefan cel Mare on the Dniester river. In 1543 it was reconstructed by Petru Rareş.
179 Fortress Tighina. Built at the end of the XVth century on the Dniester river as an important customs point.
180 Fortress "Fortress Alba". Erected by the Genoese in the XIIIth century on the Dniester liman. In the XIVth c. was part of the Moldovan State. Nowadays is part of Ukraine.
181 Fortress Hotin (XIVth c.). Reconstructed by Ştefan cel Mare and Petru Rareş, in 1812 annexed to Russia. Nowadays is part of Ukraine.

UNO - 50 years.

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1995-10-24 Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
184 Against the war!
185 Against nature pollution!
186 Against apartheid!

The 50th anniversary of UNO.

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Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
[[ |thumb|197-206]] 182 The 50th anniversary of UNO.
[[ |thumb|207-216]] 183 The 50th anniversary of UNO.

Cinema - 100 years.

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1995-12-24 Perf 14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
187 Filmstill “The last autumn month“ (1965). Scriptwriter Ion Druţă, director - V. Derbeniov. “Le Grand Prix” of the Canne Festival (1967).
188 Filmstill “Lăutarii” (1971). Scriptwriter and director - Emil Loteanu, the leading part - Serghei Lunchevici. Winner of prizes at the festivals in San Sebastiano and Sorento.
189 Filmstill “Dimitrie Cantemir” (1973). Scriptwriter and director - Vlad Ioviţă, in the role of Dimitrie Cantemir - actor Mihai Volontir.
1994 ---- Stamp Catalogue of Moldova 1995 ---- 1996