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How You Can Work With Us

Welcome! Equity In The Center® services are all designed to shift mindsets, practices, and systems in the social sector to advance race equity and build a Race Equity Culture™. Here are the six ways you can work with us:

  1. Awake to Woke to Work® Open Enrollment Sessions for individuals and small teams
  2. Awake to Woke to Work® Private Sessions for organizational teams and stakeholder groups
  3. EIC Cohorts and Communities of Practice for individuals and small teams
  4. Race Equity Culture™ Partner Trainings for individuals and small teams
  5. Race Equity Cycle Pulse Check™ – An organizational assessment tool to build a Race Equity Culture™ (reopening in 2024)
  6. Conference Workshops & Speaking Engagements on our Awake to Woke to Work® research

Our goals

  • Nonprofit and philanthropic organizations adopt a Race Equity Culture™ focused on proactive counteraction of social inequities.
  • Organizations define, implement, and advance race equity internally while advocating for it in their work externally.
  • Race equity is centered as a core goal of social impact across the sector.

Please note that we are unable to respond to RFPs or requests for Letters of Interest. For recommendations on how to navigate work with equity consultants, see So You Want to Hire an Equity Consultant: A Guide for Leaders and Organizations.

Awake to Woke to Work® Private Working Sessions

During a private working session for your organization or stakeholder group, we will provide training on the EIC Race Equity Cycle® framework and research. Our team will address how structural racism manifests in organizations and review management and operational best practices that help organizations transform culture to center race equity.

The first module (2 hours) is an introduction to the Race Equity Cycle® and its management/operational levers, and the second module (2 hours) is a deeper dive into the material with break-out groups designed to support individuals and teams in planning/defining action steps to build a Race Equity Culture™ (organizational teams break into their own small groups so discussion focuses exclusively on issues/challenges specific to their work together). Training FAQ, registration info, dates, and pricing for these sessions can be found here. Please direct training questions not addressed in the open enrollment FAQ to [email protected].

Who Needs a Private Session?

  • You are an organization (e.g. non-profit, for-profit, foundation, philanthropic, network/member-based) that wants to do focused work with senior leadership and has the budget to invest in a private session.
  • You are an organization that wants to establish shared language for all staff to set up your race equity work for success.
  • You are a membership organization that wants to integrate our Awake to Woke to Work® Private Working Session content into a cohort program.
  • You are an affinity group that wants to put cohort members through this training to build capacity around race equity.
  • You are an organization interested in a Private Working Session plus the follow-up coaching (additional paid service) to set up your race equity work for success.
  • You’re planning a board retreat and want to build an agenda around our Awake to Woke to Work® Private Working Session content. Note: We do not facilitate board retreats.

What You Can Expect

  • One “Awake to Woke to Work®” Working Session, which is two 2-hour modules, for up to 100 people. This package includes:
    • A recording of the session for all of your attendees to view within 10 days of the working session.
    • A comprehensive resource list for senior leaders, and a condensed resource list for employees.
    • Email coordination and logistics between EIC Operations staff and one point of contact at the requesting organization.
    • A forty-five (45) minute prep call via Zoom to explore how this training fits into the larger picture of the organization and review any logistics prior to the session. The prep call will be held approximately three (3) weeks before the first module.
    • A thirty (30) minute follow-up Zoom call, to be held approximately two (2) weeks after the second module, to discuss aggregate results of the participant feedback survey and next steps.

Private Working Session Follow-Up Services

*Additional paid services listed below are only available to organizations that have participated in a Private Working Session.

  • One 60-minute Office Hour
    • Open to anyone who attended the Private Working Session.
    • Q&A format, to address any lingering questions participants may have after completing the working session.
    • Only available within 2 weeks after the working session.
    • Can only purchase one (1) Office Hour as an add-on to the working session.
  • Up to two 60-minute Coaching Calls
    • Only open to senior leaders and/or DEI/Equity team leaders who attended the Private Working Session.
    • Opportunity to receive more in-depth support around implementing strategies to build a Race Equity Culture™ within your organization. 
    • Can purchase up to two 1-hour coaching sessions as an add-on to the working session. All coaching hours purchased must be completed within 3 months of the working session.
  • Race Equity Cycle Pulse Check™ Score Review
    • Org can request 1.5 hours to discuss their full report and action steps/recommendations to move the work forward
    • Only available to private session clients



    Subsidized Rate Actual Cost Rate Supporter Rate Investment Rate
    *Budget categories based on Rockwood Leadership Institute’s tiered pricing model Non-profits with budgets <$1M Non-profits with budgets between $1M and $3,999,999; government Foundations with assets less than $10M; non-profits with budgets between $4M and $9,999,999 All for-profit companies; foundations with assets over $10M; and non-profits with budgets $10M and above
    Base price  $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $30,000

    Add ons:

    Office Hour w participants









    Senior Leader Coaching $500 $750 $1,000 $1,500
    Pulse Check score review + coaching $1,000 $1,500 $2,000


    Please review the EIC Private Session Policies for a full overview of expectations, including payment and invoicing, pricing structures, refunds and cancellations, communication, digital workshop policies, and more.

    Conference Workshops & Speaking Engagements

    Conference Workshops

    Equity In The Center can provide a version of our Awake to Woke to Work® Working Sessions as a conference workshop up to two hours. EIC charges a fee for workshop facilitation and prioritizes opportunities where the honorarium covers staff time and includes travel/accommodation.


    Speaking Engagements

    EIC President and CEO Kerrien Suarez (she/her) is available to give a 1-hour keynote at conferences and events on EIC’s Awake to Woke to Work® research, publication, and framework; Race Equity Cycle Pulse Check™; race equity leadership in the social sector; and similar topics. Her speaker fee is based on our Tiered Pricing Model*, as detailed below:


    Subsidized Rate Actual Cost Rate Supporter Rate Investment Rate
    *Budget categories based on Rockwood Leadership Institute’s tiered pricing model Non-profits with budgets <$1M Non-profits with budgets between $1M and $3,999,999; government Foundations with assets less than $10M; non-profits with budgets between $4M and $9,999,999 All for-profit companies; foundations with assets over $10M; and non-profits with budgets $10M and above
    Base price  $3,000 $5,000 $6,500 $9,750

    *Costs include an hour-long prep call, coordination and logistics with an event team.

    Note: We are currently only accepting virtual engagements.