Figures often beguile me, particularly when I have the arranging of them
myself; in which case the remark attributed to Disraeli would often apply with
justice and force: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and
- Mark Twain's Own Autobiography: The
Chapters from the North American Review
Illustration by Peter Newell from COSMOPOLITAN,
August 1898
Times They Are A-Changin'”
There are signs that things are
changing at the Canadian Copyright Board. We have recently seen a landmark decision involving Access Copyright’s
proposed Provincial Government tariff that is nothing short of a “devastating
defeat” for the collective
and will not yield enough revenue to begin to pay for the cost of obtaining the
tariff. This is the second time in a year that a major collective has apparently
failed to recover enough in tariff revenue even to pay its likely legal and
expert costs. The other involves Re:Sound’s Tariff 8, which I've written about, and which the music industry
continues to
complain about. (Some aspects of the irony of how this case plays out inside the music industry are dealt with by Michael Geist here). It would frankly be surprising if judicial review will make a big difference in
either case. Inaugural tariffs are, it
seems, no longer bankable assets that can justify spending several million dollars
on lawyers and “experts” on the nearly guaranteed expectation of generating several tens of
millions in return in a few short years mostly at the expense of the general public, as the CPCC and others once counted upon.
Moreover, the economics of defending
tariffs are changing, with the new phenomenon of major objector associations withdrawing
their objections and leaving their membership in the lurch of what is now
effectively a default proceeding mid-way through Access Copyright’s Post-Secondary
tariff application. Why this happened is another matter that has not been publicly
explained. In the absence of any other plausible explanation, one can only
suspect that this is because the objectors’ funding well had run dry. Questions
might be asked about whether that withdrawal was inevitable, along with why the
interrogatories were answered by so many members at clearly enormous cost to
the educators and benefit to Access Copyright, when even the Board would have been
happy with a “…a reasonable amount of relevant information, from a
reasonable number of institutions….”. But the result is obviously what it is – which is a
serious problem for the Board and for Canadian copyright policy, not to mention
for Access Copyright and the Canadian educational community. More about this to
follow soon.
For Optimism with the Appointment of a New Chair
Potentially even far more importantly
in the long term than these recent events, we have just seen the recent
appointment by the Government of Justice Robert A. Blair of the Ontario Court
of Appeal as Chair of the Copyright Board. He has had important involvement in
high profile IP cases and systemic institutional justice reform in the Ontario system. Hopefully,
his appointment augurs extremely well for some much needed change at the
Copyright Board.
He was the Co-Chair of the pioneering Civil
Justice Review initiative in Ontario in the 1990s and has long been recognized as
one of the lead architects of reform in that province’s court system. That
reform was also influential in other provinces and at the Federal level. The
Copyright Board is surely a much smaller ship to turn if course correction is
needed, as many from all viewpoints now believe to be the case.
These developments are very promising
and set the stage for the implementation of much needed regulations to ensure
that the Board gets back and stays on course with the original vision from Judge Parker in 1935.
Favouring Go Slow or the Status Quo or More Studies
Another interesting development
involves the publication of a much anticipated study released on April 16, 2015 by Prof. Jeremy de Beer of the University of Ottawa paid for by
Industry Canada and Canadian Heritage concerning Canada’s Copyright Board.
Prof. de Beer concludes, among other things, that:
Board certified 852
different tariffs in respect of the 15-year study period
between 1999 and 2013. Only 8 proposed tariffs were not certified. There remain
209 tariffs proposed during that period but not yet certified. When (and
assuming) those tariffs are eventually certified, the Board will have dealt
with more than 1050 tariffs applicable to the 15-year period since the 1997
legislative amendments entered into force. That amounts to more than 70 tariffs per year on
average. (emphasis
added) (footnotes omitted)
It’s commendable that the Government –
through both Industry Canada and Canadian Heritage – has co-operatively sponsored
a study from such a well-known author/researcher as Prof. de Beer. We have seen
only a few outside studies on copyright law and/or economics by well qualified
experts since the long hiatus after the golden age of the early 1980’s. For example there
are these from Industry Canada. The Canadian Heritage website appears to be significantly out
of date. It does not refer to any events since
2010 and doesn’t seem to include any longer any of the studies it has sponsored
on its own in recent times, such as this one that I commented on in 2007. Therefore, any well
done study would be welcome – and more cooperation between these historically
rivalrous departments is potentially a very welcome sign. That said, the
institutionalized rivalry is there for a reason – and the joint role of both
departments mirrors the inherent dichotomy of the copyright debate overall.
Both departments should continue to have a role and keep an eye out on each
Prof. de Beer has undertaken what is
essentially a statistical analysis of key milestones in the timelines of cases at
the Copyright Board over a 15 year period. For the reasons below, and with the utmost
respect, I must, however, seriously question whether such a statistical
analysis was necessary or even useful, and, indeed in any event, whether the
methodology was appropriate. I remain quite
baffled by the above numbers, which are surprising, counter-intuitive and arguably
counterfactual. The Board itself makes no claim to this magnitude or annual
rate of “tariff” activity. Indeed, as shown below, Prof. de Beer’s numbers of 852
certified tariffs overall for the 15 years in question at the rate of 70 per
year are, in comparison to the Board’s taxonomy as seen on its own website
information, apparently approximately 1,150% and 1,400% more respectively than the Board itself
claims. The figure of 209 pending
tariffs is equally and incredibly astonishing.
I had a brief posting on this almost
immediately after Prof. de Beer’s report was released but I took it down
because I thought his report deserved a more detailed and reflective analysis, which follows.
My overall take on Prof. de Beer’s
study is that:
- Some will use this study to suggest
that the Board is very productive, since it supposedly certifies 70 tariffs a
year according to Prof. de Beer. However, as I show below, even the Board’s own
numbers suggest a much more modest rate of 4.9 “tariffs” a year, using what both
I and the Board would consider a more realistic notion of what “tariff” means.
And those who keep close watch are likely to feel, on an “anecdotal” basis,
that even that number seems high. For example, we are now almost half way
through 2015 and the Board has rendered only two significant
substantive decisions and has certified only two tariffs by any normal
measure, both of which have roots going back a total of about 14 years and one
of which was a redetermination ordered by the Federal Court of Appeal. I have discussed both of them recently,
namely here and here. When dealing with such low numbers, “anecdotal” observations
may be more important than any so-called statistical analysis, which may not
even be possible with such little actual data, if the meaning of “tariff” is
realistically interpreted.
- Others may see these high numbers and
the methodology used to generate them as lowering the average delay time and tending
to hide the unexplained and inexplicable fact that too many tariffs take at
least four years to get to a hearing and at least two or more years thereafter
for a decision to be rendered, and that the quality of the decisions is such
that they are often reversed, if not corrected quickly by the Board itself in
two recent instances.
- Even allowing for the possible diluting
effect of Prof. de Beer’s methodology, the fact that it takes an average of 3.2
and 4.42 years to certify a tariff without and with a hearing respectively is
still cause for considerable concern.
- The statistics generated by Prof. de
Beer will no doubt be used by those who perennially argue that the Board needs
more resources. However, without any identification of the causes of the delays
at the Board and without any “normative” analysis and judgments, there is no
basis whatsoever to support such a suggestion. Indeed, given readily
available comparisons to other
tribunals close by, most notably the Competition Tribunal,
it is at least as plausible in principle that the Board already has too much in
the way of resources and this may be part of its problem. These real questions
need, at least, to be explored.
- Prof. de Beer explicitly stops short
of any normative judgments or analysis of why things take so long and
repeatedly suggests that more even more data and studies are needed. However,
in my view, the last thing we need is more studies to prove that things take
too long. Even retired Board Chairman Justice William Vancise, who promised
about a decade ago to shorten the pendency time from hearing to decision to six
months (see below), would likely not dispute that things have gone from bad to
worse. We don’t need expensive statistical studies to prove what is obvious and
incontestable. What we need to do is figure out why things take so long and how
to fix the problem.
Prof. de Beer’s surprisingly large
“tariff” numbers both overall and annually are explained at page 10 of his
report by his decision to “disaggregate” data from every “tariff”:
Accordingly, this study’s approach was
to disaggregate data from every “tariff” proposal based on the multiple
procedural possibilities between publication and certification. During the
research proposal, every certified tariff was broken into its constituent
components and subcomponents, dissected by year, number, and letter (where
relevant). For example, the Board’s decision on Re:Sound’s Tariff 6.B (Use of
Recorded Music to Accompany Physical Activities) for 2008-2012 dated July 6,
2012 became five units of analysis; Re:Sound 6.B 2008, Re:Sound 6.B 2009,
Re:Sound 6.B 2010, Re:Sound 6.B 2011, and Re:Sound 6.B 2012. The
disaggregated data was then correlated backwards to the collective society’s
original proposal that had initiated the tariff-setting process. One
consequence of this approach may be to complicate the statistical analysis by raising
independence issues in the data. Although each tariff will be unique in at
least one respect, some units of analysis may involve identical data-points,
such as a common proposal or certification date. Nonetheless, this approach was
clearly the best, if not the only, feasible option for analysis.
By breaking each subdivision of each
tariff down to separate years, numbers and letters, he comes to the conclusion
that the Board has certified 852 tariffs in the 15 year period of the study. I
profess no expertise in statistics, but this seems to be very questionable. To
suggest, for example, that SOCAN Tariff 10 which covers Strolling
Musicians and Buskers in Part “A” and Marching Bands and Floats with music in
Part “B” is really two separate tariffs for each year it has existed may be
useful for data gathering purposes for Prof. de Beer’s study. However, it is
always best to compare apples with apples. Clearly, not all tariffs are equal
in terms of complexity, economic importance, or the process by which they are
treated. To equate the “marching band” tariff with SOCAN’s never ending Tariff
22.A “making available” tariff for purposes of measuring delay and inefficiency
is unrealistic in my view. This methodology begs the question as to why it
takes any significant amount
of time and delay to certify long-standing tariffs that are unopposed and often
of little economic importance. It also begs the question of why these tariffs
are not certified for much longer periods of time. Marching bands are, after
all, a long-established use of music and the technology has remained quite
stable and even static:
Thus, Prof. de Beer’s methodology is arguably questionable because
it appears to equate the numerous unimportant, simple and unopposed tariffs
proceedings that should occupy little or no Board time with those that seem to
never end. That, very likely, will lower the average overall delay times by a
significant amount.
Indeed, I suspect that if the Board’s
own classification of what is a “tariff” and a “decision” were to be used, as
shown below, which more accurately corresponds to the way the Board actually works,
the result would be that there is simply not enough statistical data to warrant
the detailed type of statistical treatment that Prof. de Beer and his team have
With that lengthy preface, here are
Prof. de Beer’s own key summary charts:
of certified tariffs applicable for the years 1999-2013.
Statistics Regarding Tariffs Certified With and
Without Hearings
In his own words, he summarizes all
this as follows:
According to my
data, 852 different tariffs were certified by the Copyright Board in
respect of the 15-year period between and including 1999-2013. There are 209
pending tariffs that were proposed for that period but have not yet been
certified. The certified tariffs took an average of 3.5 years to certify after
filing. The average pending tariff has been outstanding for 5.3
years since filing as of March 31, 2015. On average, tariffs are certified 2.2
years after the beginning of the year in which they become applicable, which is
in effect a period of retroactivity. The standard deviation in
the time from proposal filing to tariff certification is 2 years. A hearing was
held in 28% of tariff proceedings. The average time from proposal filing to a
hearing in those proceedings was just over 3 years. The average time from a
hearing to tariff certification was almost 1.3 years.
(emphasis added)
The hundreds (according to Prof. de
Beer’s methodology) of minor, unopposed and economically insignificant separate
tariffs that Prof. de Beer’s methodology apparently identified and measured are
not the main problem at the Board, although they are still a big problem
because there is no apparent reason why there is any significant delay whatsoever
in certifying them. The real problem is the contested and often very important tariffs
that result in hearings – and, more recently, default proceedings in the case
of the Post-Secondary file that is apparently
stalled indefinitely and presents very serious challenges to the Board and to
the public interest. Even according to Prof. de Beer’s numbers, about 20% of Board
cases that involve hearings take at least 6 years to be certified. And
these are not “outlier” cases. Those who follow the Board know that these are
probably among the more visible and important hearings that the Board deals
with, such as the most recent tariff. This was the “fitness” tariff, which I have
discussed elsewhere in some detail
and briefly below, that has taken almost 8 years to reach what may still be an
inconclusive resolution. It would have been very helpful and presumably not too
difficult to provide links to the actual tariffs and decisions that took more
than six years to certify. Indeed, links to all of the tariffs, using the
Board’s taxonomy, would have been helpful and not difficult to provide – see
Another problem with the study’s
methodology is that it does not deal with the fact that many tariffs are
certified in huge batches periodically, of which some elements attract little or
no attention and some do attract varying degrees of opposition. Here’s
a decision from 2004 that covers SOCAN
tariffs on everything from marching bands to magic shows, from restaurants to planes
and trains, not to mention adult entertainment clubs to fireworks
displays. Some elements were opposed. Others not. The process was spread over
several years, with some of the tariffs being filed as early as October 18, 1997 and others up to April 19, 2003 and with hearings held in 2002 and 2003 on various
aspects. The Board’s decision on the whole batch was not released until June
18, 2004. It’s far from clear how Prof. de Beer’s methodology could
“disaggregate” this eclectic smorgasbord of a decision in any meaningful way.
This raises the question of why the Board cannot simply quickly approve an
unopposed tariff, especially one that may have previously been considered, and
why these things are allowed to accumulate and linger and grow old together.
Some elements of this decision were
economically trivial. SOCAN’s Tariff 10.B for “marching bands” actually generated
$4,984 in the year 2000. In that year, its tariff 13.C for trains and buses generated $378. On the
other hand the tariff for Cabarets, Cafes, Clubs, etc. – Live Music) generated
$2,145,057 that year. The Board used to provide these kinds of numbers, but it
seems that it does not see the need to necessarily do so anymore – for example
in the fitness tariff discussed below, where such numbers would be expected, if
not essential, given the public interest aspect of that tariff and it
importance to so many people.
we see tariff files that never seem to end. These include SOCAN’s Tariff 22
internet tariff, which has been going on in one way or another since 1994, with
the current iteration concerning the alleged “making available” right and
SOCAN’s never-ending quest concerning its Tariff 22.A. The current iteration of
proposed SOCAN Tariff 22.SA which was filed as a proposed tariff in 2012, is still in a preliminary phase. This
preliminary phase was not supposed to include any evidence but now has
extensive evidence from experts around the world, which seems strange since the
Supreme Court of Canada and the 2012 Copyright Modernization Act would
appear to be quite clear on the issues at hand, This issue – or more likely in
the end a non-issue – could have already been to the Federal Court of Appeal if
not the Supreme Court of Canada had it been handled more decisively by the
Board and some of the main parties, who seem in no hurry for this file to come
to an end. The Access Copyright Post-Secondary Tariff has been in a state of suspended
animation since the Board ruled on January 17, 2014 that “For these reasons,
and because of the additional drain on Board's resources this implies, the
Board postpones sine die the hearing in this matter. After having received and
analysed all answers from Access, and replies from Mr. Maguire, the Board will
either decide when to reschedule the hearing or proceed on paper.” This was a
tariff that was filed in 2010 and is now, for various complicated reasons,
unopposed. The Board has still not indicated how it will proceed on this
Here is my own chart – prepared in
couple of hours and based upon the Board’s website information concerning “certified tariffs” and “decisions”, with links provided. The comments are my own and
very brief:
CERTFIFIED TARIFFS FROM 1999 – 2013 (including “redeterminations”)
This tariff is now extinct, since
the collective was never able to recover its costs
This is by far the major sector covered by the
Board. There are 47 tariffs listed, but 8 of them involved both SOCAN and
Re:Sound (formerly NRCC), so they should not be counted separately. There
are 41 decisions between 1999 and 2013, some of which concern relatively minor matters.
22 decisions, many
or most of which are procedural or “interim”
The Board has rendered 14 decisions between 1999 and 2014 – all but one of which (now pending
in the SCC in CBC v SODRAC) were “interim”. These are not part of Prof. de
Beer's analysis but are included in this chart for the sake of completeness
to show the Board’s level of activity. These are not “tariffs” and even the
term “arbitration” is a misnomer.
Even this is an inflated number, and reflects a
number of minor “redeterminations” and other less than significant events.
But it is still the Board’s own number, as calculated from the Board’s own
posted information. Still, this is less than 10% of Prof. de Beer’s number of
Number of tariffs per year on
This the total of 74 certified tariffs divided by
the number of years being studied (15). This is greater than the number of
decisions per year, since many of these tariffs are unopposed because they
are unimportant or the objectors cannot afford to participate in the Board’s
process, or for other reasons – such as the oppressive and intrusive
interrogatory process.
I make no reference to the
“unlocatable” decisions, also studied at great length by Prof. de Beer and the
Board’s former general counsel, Mario Bouchard. I have commented at some length about that
study and those decisions. I agree with Prof. de Beer, though perhaps for different reasons, that
this corpus of about 283 issued licenses and 8 denied licenses to
date need not be considered as a factor in
the Board’s overall productivity or performance.
So, if the Board is right, and I am
right, then Prof. de Beer’s conclusion that the Board has certified 852 tariffs
in the last 15 years is off by a factor of 852 ÷ 74, i.e. ~1,150%. His
conclusions that the Board certifies 70 tariffs a year would likewise be off by
a factor of 70 ÷ 4.9, i.e. more than 1,400%.
I have repeatedly suggested on an
anecdotal basis that:
- It
often takes that Board four years or more for a tariff to reach the
hearing stage
- It
often takes the Board two years or more after the hearing to render a
- The
decision is too often wrong
- The
decision is invariably retroactive
am not at all happy with the time it takes to render a final decision. I have
tried to address the issue and I can assure you it will be resolved. If the Supreme Court of Canada can render a decision
within six months of a hearing, there is no reason why this Board cannot do the
same. My
goal is to see that this occurs. (emphasis
Quite apart from the rather inapposite
conflation of the Copyright Board and the Supreme Court of Canada, the bottom
line is that the trend clearly seems to be getting worse rather than better.
Hence, Prof. de Beer’s overall conclusions are instantly questionable, for
example when he suggests at page 37 that “It took on average a further 1.29
years for the Board to issue a decision and certify the tariff following a
hearing.” That obfuscates the fact that, many if not most of the recent
important decisions have taken much longer, for example:
· First, we don’t know what he means by a
“hearing” or a “decision”. Some of the Board’s hearings and decisions are quite
perfunctory. His conclusion that “hearings last on the average 22 days” (page
37) is highly questionable. To be fair, he does indicate that this figure is
unreliable because some hearings may be spread over a prolonged period. But, if actual hearing days are counted,
there are very few hearings indeed that have lasted that long.
One of the key findings of the study is
easy to miss – because it concerns the 209 “pending tariffs” – i.e. proposed
but not yet certified. That average time outstanding, as of March 31, 2015, was
a disconcerting 5.31 years.
Consider the recent decision of the Board from March 27, 2015 concerning
Re:Sound’s “fitness” tariff. This battle may – and I
emphasize “may” – only now finally be over after about eight years as a result
of the Board’s most recent “fitness” decision, which I have discussed in detail here. Here’s the timeline of the recently
certified fitness tariff:
- Tariff is filed June 2, 2007
- Board Hearing April 27 to May 11, 2010
- Board Decision July 6, 2012
- Judicial Review Application Filed August 7, 2012
- Hearing by Federal Court of Appeal (“FCA”) November 19, 2013
- Decision by Federal Court of Appeal February 24, 2014
- Parties File Settlement March 21, 2014
- Board approves settlement agreement with minor adjustment March 27, 2015
Note the highlighted lengthy delays while the Board contemplated its decisions. The last delay of
over a year is particularly ironic, since the parties had submitted a consent
agreement in February of 2014. How long should it take to approve a consent
agreement submitted by sophisticated parties after a seven year struggle? I have
commented on this on this case in much more detail here.
I may have more to say in due course
about Prof. de Beer’s statistical study. However, the bottom line for the
moment is that we do not need to know about statistics, and such statistical exotica
as “skewness”, “kurtosis”, and “regression analysis”. This is unnecessary when
the Board holds so few actual hearings and renders so few actual real decisions
and “tariffs” each year, with or without a hearing. We know there are problems
and we need answers as to why and proposals for solutions. We don’t need more
data or more statistical studies, as Prof. de Beer repeatedly calls for. Above
all, we are facing a non-sustainable situation and we don’t need more delay. Therefore, it is somewhat disappointing to be
told, towards the end (page 45) of this elaborate study, that:
At the present time, it is simply unclear whether
the Copyright Board is
now settling into its role and the process is
becoming faster, or whether the complexity continues to grow and the tariff-setting
process is in fact taking longer than it was several years ago. Only more time,
and more data, will tell.
If we focus on a realistic notion of
what a “tariff” is, which is what the Board certifies in the Canada Gazette a
few times each year at the most, we can get back to common sense and then
perhaps move forward. We need to focus above all on the factors that have
resulted in what virtually everyone considers to be the unacceptable timelines and
delays prevalent at the Board. These delays depart far from other judicial and
tribunal norms but now seem to be the new normal at the Board. It may prove to
be the case that human, institutional and political factors, which are not
measurable by Prof. de Beer’s or any other statistical methodology no matter how
scientific and reliable, need to be addressed.
New Opportunites
We now have, after a hiatus of more
than a year, a new Chair of the Copyright Board who is remarkably well
qualified for the challenges that must be dealt with. With his notable
experience in reforming the Ontario judicial system, Justice Blair is eminently
qualified to initiate regulations, which would require approval by the Governor
in Council, governing such matters as
“the practice and procedure in respect of the Board’s hearings…” pursuant to s.
Hopefully, now, the Government can also
undertake a consultation to ultimately ensure that other necessary and inevitable
regulations are implemented pursuant to s. 66.91 to deal with “policy
directions” and what constitutes “fair
and equitable royalties” and “rendering its decisions”. Other comparable
tribunals at the federal level have such regulations in place. There is no
reason that the Copyright Board should be without such guidance, especially
when the authority for these regulations has long been in place.
So, a couple of decisions in the last
year show some hope of some change from within the Board in terms of its
substantive dealing with evidence and law. However, there are still some very fundamental issues that can only be addressed in the long term through regulation and/or statutory change. Hopefully, the regulatory process - which is available now and does not require the involvement of Parliament - will suffice.
Hopefully, now, we can look for
progress in Ottawa both at 56 Sparks Street and around the corner at the
Langevin Block. The appointment of Justice Blair as Chair, with his background that is perfectly suited for the task of institutional reform, seems to indicate that the Government recognizes that change is needed now.
One thing, at least, is quite clear. What
we do not need now is more statistical analysis.