Friday, October 27, 2017

Submissions Posted on Canada's Copyright Board - the Consultation Process

The papers submitted re consultations re the Copyright Board have just been published here.

There’s lots to say. But I would first note that Music Canada – the leading lobby group for the Canadian music industry – has highlighted the mandatory tariff issue and mentioned the York University case by name, along with “the K-12 and post-secondary markets”:

Music Canada also notes a concerning development whereby users are taking the position that they have the right to elect whether they want to be bound by certified tariffs set by the Board, even when they make uses of works covered by tariffs.17 This has the potential to undermine participation in the tariff process and makes enforcement of tariffs more difficult. Music Canada does not agree that users have the right to election to opt out of approved tariffs (or interim or continuation tariffs) certified under the section 67 or 70.1 tariff process. However, clarity in this regard would usefully put an end to this process which undermines the Board’s legitimacy and process.

See page 13 of the Music Canada submission along with the footnote on that page.

This underscores the importance of Prof. Katz’s comments in his recent blog about the York University decision, which should be read again  by all those contemplating an intervention in the appeal. 

My own submission about the Board, which is NOT 233 pages long but rather only a modest 36 pages in length is here. Many of the links in it aren’t working and got lost on their way to the Government website. I’ll try to post a version with working links when I get a chance.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Copibec Class action against Université Laval - Update and Opt-out information - Deadline is October 16, 2017

Image result for laval university logo
For interested readers, here is Copibec’s website with information about its controversial class action against Université Laval in the Quebec Superior Court:

The deadline for opting out is Monday, October 16, 2017.

Here is some backbground on this case from my blog of February 14, 2017.