Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope

The Fermi Science Support Center (FSSC) runs the guest investigator program, creates and maintains the mission time line, provides analysis tools for the scientific community, and archives and serves the Fermi data. This web site is the portal to Fermi for all guest investigators.

This view shows the entire sky at energies greater than 1 GeV based on five years of data from the LAT instrument on NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. Brighter colors indicate brighter gamma-ray sources.
This view shows the entire sky at energies greater than 1 GeV based on five years of data from the LAT
instrument on NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. Brighter colors indicate brighter gamma-ray sources.
Image Credit: NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration

Look into the "Resources" section for finding schedules, publications, useful links etc. The "Proposals" section is where you will be able to find the relevant information and tools to prepare and submit proposals for guest investigator projects. At "Data" you will be able to access the Fermi databases and find the software to analyse them. Address all questions and requests to the helpdesk in "Help".

Fermi Observations for MW 855

Mission Week 855 begins with a continuation of the -50 deg. modified sine profile from the previous week. Then, on DOY 291 (2024-10-17) at 00:50 UT a 10-minute freeze observation occurs during which a -50 deg. modified sine profile is loaded. Next, on DOY 295 (2024-10-21) at 15:25 UT a 10-minute freeze observation occurs during which an asymmetric -50/+60 deg. profile is loaded. This profile continues until the end of the mission week. The survey repeat period DECREASED from 5687s to 5686s. Note that positive rock angles are south, and negative rock angles are north.

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