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The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) gives the public with the right to make a request for federal agency records. Consult the Make a FOIA request or Make a Privacy Act Request pages for details on how to request records from the Federal Trade Commission

Freedom of Information Act

The FOIA allows any person to make a request for Federal Trade Commission records so long as one of the nine FOIA exemptions do not apply to the record(s) or portions of the record(s). See 5 U.S.C. § 552. Consult Make a FOIA request for more information. 

However, if you are seeking records about yourself or a specific person, see Make a Privacy Act Request.

Privacy Act (PA)

The Privacy Act of 1974 requires additional identification verification to obtain Federal Trade Commission records about yourself or a specific individual. 5 U.S.C. § 552a(b). If you are requesting records about yourself, we are required to verify your identity before releasing any records. If you are a third-party requesting records about a specific individual, that individual is required to authorize the release of those records, see Make a Privacy Act Request.

FOIA Contacts

FOIA Requester Service Center: (202) 326-2430

FTC FOIA Public Liaison:

Richard Gold, (202) 326-3355


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