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Last active June 9, 2016 15:10
Example of using icrawler to scrape data from
var icrawler = require('icrawler');
var fs = require('fs');
var URL = '';
var opts = {
errorsFirst: true,
concurrency: 10,
saveOnFinish: false,
saveOnCount: 500,
asyncParse: true,
file: './data.json',
icrawler(URL, opts, function(url, $, _, res){
if ($('div.b-option-nav').length < 1) {
return _.cb(true);
if($('.b_infopost').contents().eq(2).text().trim().slice(0, -1) === 'Алексей Козлов'){{
title: $('h1').text(),
date: $('.b_infopost>.date').text(),
href: url,
size: $('.newsbody').text().length
$('.b_rewiev p>a').each(function() {
$('.bpr_next>a').slice(0,1).each(function() {
}, function(result){
fs.writeFileSync('./data.json', JSON.stringify(result, null, 4))
console.log('Results saved');
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