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Forked from mboynes/path-dispatch.php
Created September 19, 2019 23:42
Path Dispatch
* Path Dispatch
* =============
* Simply and easily add a URL which fires an action, triggers a callback, and/or loads a template.
* Basic Usage: at any point before init,
* Path_Dispatch()->add_path( array( 'path' => 'some-path', 'callback' => 'some_function' ) );
* This will cause to call some_function().
* IMPORTANT! You must flush your rewrites after adding a path.
* You can add multiple paths at once with `add_paths()`:
* Path_Dispatch()->add_paths( array(
* array( 'path' => 'some-path', 'callback' => 'some_function' ),
* array( 'path' => 'custom-feed.json', 'callback' => 'custom_feed' ),
* array( 'path' => 'custom-feed.xml', 'callback' => 'custom_feed' )
* ) );
* The dispatch happens on parse_query, so you can then modify the query via pre_get_posts or do whatever
* you have to do. You can even just load a static file and exit if you simply need to render static content.
* When the path is loaded, the action dispatch_path_{$path} is fired. You can hook onto this instead of or
* in addition to passing a callback to add_path(s). The callback is optional.
* Lastly, you can set custom rewrites if your paths are more complex. In these cases, the 'path' argument
* essentially becomes a slug. See [add_rewrite_rule()](
* for details about 'rule', 'redirect' (rewrite), and 'position'.
* Here's a full breakdown of all the path options:
* Path_Dispatch()->add_path( array(
* 'path' => 'some-path', // required
* 'callback' => 'some_function', // optional
* 'action' => '', // fire this action instead of dispatch_path_{$path}
* 'template' => '', // optional
* 'rewrite' => array( // optional
* 'query_vars' => array(), // optional
* 'rule' => '', // required (assuming 'rewrite' is set)
* 'redirect' => 'index.php?dispatch=$matches[1]', // optional
* 'position' => 'top' // optional
* )
* ) );
* Here are examples of using Path Dispatch:
* Simplest possible usages: fires the action 'dispatch_path_my-path' at
* Path_Dispatch()->add_path( array( 'path' => 'my-path' ) );
* This can even be simplified further as:
* Path_Dispatch()->add_path( 'my-path' );
* Call the function 'my_function' at
* Path_Dispatch()->add_path( array(
* 'path' => 'my-path',
* 'callback' => 'my_function'
* ) );
* Load the template file 'dispatch-custom-page.php' at
* Path_Dispatch()->add_path( array(
* 'path' => 'my-path',
* 'template' => 'custom-page'
* ) );
* Add a custom rewrite rule. Fires the action 'dispatch_path_my-path' at e.g.
* and sets the query var 'my_path' to 'foo'. This assumes you already registered that query var.
* Path_Dispatch()->add_path( array(
* 'path' => 'my-rewrite',
* 'rewrite' => array(
* 'rule' => 'my-path/(.*)/?',
* 'redirect' => 'index.php?dispatch=my-rewrite&my_path=$matches[1]'
* )
* ) );
* Same as above, but registers the query var automatically, and loads the template 'dispatch-my-page.php'.
* Path_Dispatch()->add_path( array(
* 'path' => 'my-rewrite',
* 'rewrite' => array(
* 'rule' => 'my-path/(.+)/?',
* 'redirect' => 'index.php?dispatch=my-rewrite&my_path=$matches[1]',
* 'query_vars' => 'my_path'
* ),
* 'template' => 'my-page'
* ) );
* Same as above, but with multiple query vars, and with a callback instead of a template.
* Path_Dispatch()->add_path( array(
* 'path' => 'my-rewrite',
* 'rewrite' => array(
* 'rule' => 'my-path/([^/]+)/(.+)/?',
* 'redirect' => 'index.php?dispatch=my-rewrite&my_path=$matches[1]&my_section=$matches[2]',
* 'query_vars' => array( 'my_path', 'my_section' )
* ),
* 'callback' => array( My_Singleton(), 'my_method' )
* ) );
if ( ! class_exists( 'Path_Dispatch' ) ) :
class Path_Dispatch {
public $qv = array( 'dispatch' );
public $basic_paths = array();
public $rewrite_paths = array();
private static $instance;
private function __construct() {
/* Don't do anything, needs to be initialized via instance() method */
public function __clone() { wp_die( "Please don't __clone Path_Dispatch" ); }
public function __wakeup() { wp_die( "Please don't __wakeup Path_Dispatch" ); }
public static function instance() {
if ( ! isset( self::$instance ) ) {
self::$instance = new Path_Dispatch;
return self::$instance;
public function setup() {
# Add our query_var, 'dispatch'
add_filter( 'query_vars', array( $this, 'add_query_var' ) );
#setup rewrite rules for our paths
add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'add_rewrite_rules' ), 5 );
# We're doing this on parse_query to ensure that query vars are set
add_action( 'parse_query', array( $this, 'dispatch_path' ) );
* Add a path. This method is the money maker; pass it an array with at least the 'path' key set
* (or a string, which will become an array).
* @param string|array $args {
* If string, becomes array( 'path' => $args ). Otherwise, 'path' must be set. In addition to
* the keys mentioned below, you can pass any other key => value pairs. This whole array will be
* passed when the action fires, so you'll be able to access your data at that time.
* @type string $path The dispatch path. This will be added as a rewrite rule, "($path)/?$".
* @type callback $callback Optional. A valid callback function.
* @type string $action Optional. The action to fire instead of "dispatch_path_{$path}". This action
* will still be passed this array of $args.
* @type array $rewrite {
* Optional. Add a custom rewrite rule and optionally register query vars.
* @see
* @type string $rule The rewrite rule.
* @type string $redirect Optional. The URL you would like to fetch. Default is 'index.php?dispatch=$matches[1]'
* @type string $position Optional. The rewrite rule position. Default is 'top'.
* @type string|array $query_vars Optional. Query var(s) to register.
* @see
* }
* }
* @uses Path_Dispatch::$basic_paths
* @uses Path_Dispatch::$rewrite_paths
* @uses Path_Dispatch::$qv
* @return void
public function add_path( $args = array() ) {
if ( is_string( $args ) && ! empty( $args ) ) {
$args = array( 'path' => $args );
if ( ! empty( $args['path'] ) ) {
if ( ! empty( $args['rewrite'] ) ) {
$this->rewrite_paths[ $args['path'] ] = $args;
if ( ! empty( $args['rewrite']['query_vars'] ) ) {
$this->qv = array_merge( $this->qv, (array) $args['rewrite']['query_vars'] );
} else {
$this->basic_paths[ $args['path'] ] = $args;
if ( ! empty( $args['callback'] ) ) {
add_action( 'dispatch_path_' . $args['path'], $args['callback'] );
* Add multiple paths in one call
* @see Path_Dispatch::add_path
* @uses Path_Dispatch::add_path
* @param array $paths An array of arrays that would be passed to add_path.
* @return void
public function add_paths( $paths ) {
foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
$this->add_path( $path );
* Add the class query var "dispatch" as well as any others added through add_path.
* @uses Path_Dispatch::$qv
* @param array $qv The current query vars.
* @return array The modified query vars.
public function add_query_var( $qv ) {
return array_merge( $qv, $this->qv );
* Add rewrite rules for our dispatched paths.
* @uses Path_Dispatch::$basic_paths
* @uses Path_Dispatch::$rewrite_paths
* @uses add_rewrite_rule
* @return void
public function add_rewrite_rules() {
if ( ! empty( $this->basic_paths ) ) {
$slugs = array_map( 'preg_quote', array_keys( $this->basic_paths ) );
$slugs = implode( '|', $slugs );
add_rewrite_rule( "($slugs)/?$", 'index.php?dispatch=$matches[1]', 'top' );
if ( ! empty( $this->rewrite_paths ) ) {
foreach ( $this->rewrite_paths as $args ) {
if ( ! empty( $args['rewrite']['rule'] ) ) {
if ( empty( $args['rewrite']['redirect'] ) ) {
$args['rewrite']['redirect'] = 'index.php?dispatch=$matches[1]';
if ( empty( $args['rewrite']['position'] ) ) {
$args['rewrite']['position'] = 'top';
add_rewrite_rule( $args['rewrite']['rule'], $args['rewrite']['redirect'], $args['rewrite']['position'] );
* Trigger an action when a dispatched path is requested. Also, potentially load
* a template if that was set.
* @uses Path_Dispatch::$basic_paths
* @uses Path_Dispatch::$rewrite_paths
* @return void
public function dispatch_path( &$query ) {
if ( $query->is_main_query() && $path = get_query_var( 'dispatch' ) ) {
if ( ! empty( $this->basic_paths[ $path ] ) ) {
$args = $this->basic_paths[ $path ];
} elseif ( ! empty( $this->rewrite_paths[ $path ] ) ) {
$args = $this->rewrite_paths[ $path ];
if ( empty( $args['action'] ) ) {
do_action( 'dispatch_path_' . $path, $args );
} else {
do_action( $args['action'], $args );
if ( ! empty( $args['template'] ) ) {
get_template_part( 'dispatch', $args['template'] );
function Path_Dispatch() {
return Path_Dispatch::instance();
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