You can now disable comments on GitHub gists

To support better content moderation, you can now disable comments on individual gists in the UI as well as with the APIs. Once commenting is disabled, existing comments on the gist will be hidden and no new comments can be posted.

Screenshot of the gist edit page with the "Disable comments" option highlighted with a dark orange outline.

To learn more check out the documentation.

Questions or suggestions? Join the conversation in the community discussion.

Happy new year! We’ve got fresh Copilot Workspace updates for you this week, including the ability to add a new file directly to the file tree and reduced latency in the terminal.

Adding new files from file tree

You can now add a new file directly to the file tree, rather than having to modify the plan.

photo of adding a new file from the file tree

Error toggling

We’ve enabled an option to toggle errors on and off within your editor. This will allow you to hide errors when you’re not actively working on them.

gif of error toggling

Improved codespace creation

Now when you create a codespace, your codespace will be created in the region closest to you. This will improve the latency of your connection, providing a smoother experience while editing and using the terminal.

Accessibility improvements

Screen readers will now announce when suggestions are applied.

Bug fixes

Fixed a design regression where there was no border between the editor and the file.

We want to hear your feedback

Please drop your feedback in our GitHub Discussion. We appreciate any and all feedback you have!

See more

On February 5th, 2025, Dependabot will end support for Python version 3.8, which has reached its end-of-life. If you continue to use Python version 3.8, there’s a risk that Dependabot will not create pull requests to update dependencies. To prevent this from happening, please update to a supported release of Python. As of January 2025, the latest supported release of Python is version 3.13. View Python’s official documentation for more information about supported releases.