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  • Budapest, Hungary
  • 19:05 (UTC +01:00)
  • X @1edgbr



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Zsolt Ero hyperknot
Founder of, loves full-stack, maps and creative code.


Yonel Ceruto yceruto
Entrepreneur | Software Engineer | @symfony core team member

@scnd-sas Havana, Cuba

Tanner Linsley tannerlinsley
🎉TypeScript + React ⚛️Open Source💡UI/UX 💼Co-Founder @NozzleIO 🛠Owner @TanStack - #ReactQuery #ReactTable #ReactLocation #ReactCharts

@tanstack & @nozzle Utah

Devon Govett devongovett
Creator of @parcel-bundler. Engineer @adobe working on React Aria and React Spectrum.

Adobe San Francisco

Alexander M. Turek derrabus
Developer. @symfony Core Team. @doctrine Core Team. Likes working with code that has the age of a good whisky.

@trbocom Düsseldorf, Germany

Kevin Bond kbond
Open Source, PHP, Symfony Developer. Writer @SymfonyCasts, @symfony Core Member. Author of @zenstruck packages.

SymfonyCasts Ontario, Canada

Sam Selikoff samselikoff

Build UI New York, NY

Ryan Florence ryanflorence
@remix-run, @ReactTraining, React Router, @reach. Doing my best.

@Shopify Utah

Wouter de Jong wouterj
Part of @symfony docs and core team & all-round Symfony enthusiast. DevOps Engineer at @MyWheels

MyWheels Netherlands

Doctrine doctrine
The Doctrine Project is the home to several PHP libraries primarily focused on database storage and object mapping.

Planet Earth

Sonata Project sonata-project
Symfony bundles on steroids

Planet Earth

API Platform api-platform
The API-first framework

The World Wide Web

Théo FIDRY theofidry
Web developer. Barcelona, Spain

Jon Gjengset jonhoo
Rust educational streamer. At @helsing-ai. Previously at AWS. A fan of making things secure, fast, scalable, and well-documented.

@helsing-ai Oslo, Norway

dan gaearon


Kamil Grzybek kgrzybek
Husband. Father. Head Of Software Engineering | Software Architect | Team Leader | Developer. Enthusiast. Software Architecture & Design. Domain-Driven Design.


Anthony Fu antfu
A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.

@Nuxt undefined

ImreSamu ImreSamu
Interested in 🌍🔍 Geospatial data, OpenStreetMap 🗺️, Wikidata 📚, PostGIS 🌐, Postgres 🐘, Docker 🐳, Julia, maps 🗺️, topology 🌀, routing 🛣️ ...

Budapest, Hungary

Balázs Richer rbalazs

@bitpositive-solutions Hungary

Kirill Nesmeyanov SerafimArts
Creator of @railt and @phplrt. PHP Russia program committee member. Jedi of PHP and OpenSource (OSS) enthusiast.

Battlestate Games Moscow

Dmitry Stogov dstogov

Zend by Perforce Russia

Marton Tasnadi kistasi
‘98 | drama aspirant | software developer | waldorf | freeszfe | budapest | he/him

Software Developer Budapest, Hungary

Tobias Nyholm Nyholm
Symfony Core team, certified Symfony developer. Speaker, writer, podcaster. Maintainer for many awesome libraries.

Eneba Stockholm

Graham Campbell GrahamCampbell
OSS Maintainer | Laravel | StyleCI

Graham Campbell Technology Ltd York, United Kingdom

Viola Péter violapeter
Experienced frontend developer, with a decent design background and extensive knowledge of JavaScript development

Pécs, Hungary

Mefi (Gábor Nádai) mefiblogger
Engineering Manager at Bitrise, former VP of Engineering at Into leadership, engineering, traveling, books, movies, gaming. Loves dogs, has cats.

Bitrise Budapest

jpauli jpauli
Coder and snakes keeper. The best solution to your problem is always the simplest one.


Máté Kocsis kocsismate
@php core contributor and member of @ThePHPF.

LastPass Debrecen, Hungary

Márk Sági-Kazár sagikazarmark
Open Source enthusiast, Go & Cloud Native fan. @cncf Ambassador. Speaker, tech content creator.

Budapest, Hungary

Adam Wathan adamwathan
Creator of Tailwind CSS, author of Refactoring UI, host of Full Stack Radio.

Ontario, Canada

Kara kara
Aurora team (Google Chrome)

Google San Francisco, CA

Nicolas Grekas nicolas-grekas
Submitting features and bug(fixes) @symfony, to make it always faster, easier to use and better designed, uncompromising. @ESPCI_Alumni engineer.

@SymfonyCorp Paris, France

Jess Frazelle jessfraz
A superhero with supervillain tendencies.

@KittyCAD PID 1

Armin Ronacher mitsuhiko
Software developer and Open Source nut. Creator of the Flask framework. Engineering at @getsentry. Other things of interest: @pallets and @rust-lang

Sentry Austria

Yehuda Katz wycats

@tildeio Portland, OR

Phil Sturgeon philsturgeon
Using APIs to reforest the UK @protect-earth, decarbonizing software at @GreenTurtleTech, and teaching about APIs at @apisyouwonthate. Ex-@wework @pyrocms

@protect-earth & @GreenTurtleTech Europe

Taylor Otwell taylorotwell
Creator of @laravel.

Laravel Little Rock, AR

Evan You yyx990803
Husband, father of two, independent OSS dev. @vuejs, @vitejs, @rolldown, and more. Connoisseur of sushi.


Kévin Dunglas dunglas
Founder of @coopTilleuls / Creator of @api-platform,, FrankenPHP and / @symfony Core Team

@coopTilleuls Lille, France

Lea Verou LeaVerou
Elected @w3ctag member, CSS WG Invited Expert, HCI researcher at MIT CSAIL. Founder of many open source projects, PrismJS probably being the most popular one.

MIT Cambridge, MA