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Alert for Kiwi IRC.

Sound effects are from here:

READ THIS: If you are not a fuelrat then you will most likely not have any use for this.

This extension plays alert sounds when a ratsignal, hatsignal or a code red ratsignal shows up in chat. It's for those people(me) who want a different sound than the default kiwi sound.

The extension does not currently support custom highlights or custom sounds other than the ones who are provided, unless you are willing to modify the code to do that.

Known issues:

  • Plays alert twice if there is one in the chat history and you join a second channel after that. Only happens once.

  • Doesn't play alert right away if there is no chat history in the channel, in this case the alert will play after a second message has been posted.

How to install:

Chrome: To install, simply download the latest release, unzip the file and then in chrome://extensions enable programmer mode, click import uncompressed extension and select the unzipped folder.


NOTE: The firefox version is completely untested, it may or may not work.

Method 1:

To install, simply download the latest release, unzip the file. Go to about:debugging in the address bar, then click on "this firefox". After that click on "load temporary extension" then choose any file inside the unzipped folder.

NOTE: The extension will disappear after restarting the browser using this method.

Method 2:

You can also install the extension with the .xpi file, though this may not work on regular firefox installations as it is not signed. It should work on firefox developer edition though.

To do that, do this: go into about:addons in firefox, click on the cogwheel and select install addon from file, then choose the .xpi file.