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Alp ₿📈🚀🌕 IDouble
🗽 Be greedy when others are fearful and be fearful when others are greedy ☕️ Full-Stack 🖥💻📱⌚️ Finance, Crypto ⛓ (Blockchain, Smart contracts etc.)

IDEX/USD @IDEXio Zurich, Switzerland

Fran francielekuchler
Focused on growth, innovation, and high-impact results
Rafael Souza rafaeldsal
Desenvolvedor Backend


Guilherme Basilio O-Gui
designer | Editor de Video | Ilustrador cursando Engenharia de Software - UCB


Gabriela Marculino GabrielaMarculino

UEMS Santos- SP/Dourados - MS

Lucas Carrilho karilho
Desenvolvedor focado em linguagens de Backend - Java e GoLang. Atualmente estudo pelo Alura e curso Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas na UNICV
Thiago André Cardoso Silva thiagoandrecardoso
System Development Analyst && Computer Science Student && Fã de novela mexicana.

Programador Who Brazil

Spring spring-projects
Spring Projects

United States of America

Giuliana Silva Bezerra giuliana-bezerra
Software Architect | YouTuber at @giulianabezerra | Online Instructor

Dataprev Brazil, SC, Florianópolis


High Class Fortaleza, CE

Gustavo Oki GustOki
Front-End (HTML, CSS, JavaScript); Cursando Engenharia de Software 💻 (Bacharelado / Universidade de Brasília - UnB)

Brasília, Distrito Federal

MrPowerGamerBR MrPowerGamerBR
👋 Howdy, my name is MrPowerGamerBR! Developer, Kotlin ❤, Loritta & PerfectDreams Owner. Também sei falar em português!

@PerfectDreams Brazil

Deyvid Nascimento deyvin

Rio de Janeiro

Pedro Teixeira PedroRodriguesTeixeira
Brasília | Engenharia de Software UcB


Brian Ruiz BrianRuizy

New York, New York

Kamran Ahmed kamranahmedse
I love building things 🧑‍💻

United Kingdom

Lucas Magalhães lucasrmagalhaes
Full Stack Developer · PHP · JavaScript · Node.js · Vue.js · React · TypeScript · Next.js

@Fiergs Canoas, RS - Brazil

Matic Zavadlal maticzav

Ljubljana, Slovenia

karen karenaciole
computer science student @ ufcg.
Gabriel Barros gc-barros
Front-end developer 👨‍💻 | Creativity is just connecting things 💡

São Luís, Maranhão

Gustavo Guanabara professorguanabara
Professor de Tecnologia

Curso em Vídeo Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Nelio Alves acenelio
Ajudo estudantes e profissionais de programação a ingressar ou se recolocar na carreira. 20 anos de experiência profissional, mais de 160 mil alunos online.

@devsuperior Brazil

Erick Wendel ErickWendel
Professional JS Educator, Microsoft MVP, Google Dev Expert, GitHub Star, OpenJS Path Finder Educator '23, @nodejs collaborator, Keynote Speaker🇧🇷

@ew-academy São Paulo - Brazil

Laura Beatris LauraBeatris

@clerk Florianópolis, Brazil

Filipe Deschamps filipedeschamps
Quer se sentir competente em programação? Confere isso:


Tom Hombergs thombergs
Software Developer and Open Source Enthusiast at @atlassian / ex-@adessoAG

@atlassian Sydney

Armin Ronacher mitsuhiko
Software developer and Open Source nut. Creator of the Flask framework. Engineering at @getsentry. Other things of interest: @pallets and @rust-lang

Sentry Austria

Bárbara Gualberto barbrina
I am a computer engineering student who works as a Software Developer with a strong emphasis on security and a deep passion for design. Welcome to my profile <3

CEFET-MG Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais

Ana Neri ananeridev
Senior Software Engineer | Co-Organizer at Womakerscode and NodeBR | Bass Player 🤘

São Paulo - Brazil

Aline Atsuta alineat

São Paulo, Brasil

Gabriel de Paiva Rio GabrielRioo
🚀 Fullstack Developer • React • NextJS • C# • .NetCore • .NetFramework • SQL

Rio de Janeiro,Brazil

Breno Pereira brcaua
Software Engineer with almost 5 years of experience with React/TypeScript/Node.


Bruno Sajermann sajermann
Sr Anls, Front-End Dev | Javascript | React | React Native

@Avanade São Paulo, Brasil