Super easy framework based on Vite for create awesome SSR or SPA applications on React and React Router.
- Develop ⚡charged⚡ server side applications with React streaming 💨 support.
- Unlocks Suspense for server side applications.
- Switch between SPA and SSR in 1 second.
- Charged CLI out of box.
- Deploy to AWS Amplify/Docker in SPA/SSR mode for 5 sec.
- Very easy to migrate, very easy to use.
- All the power of viteâš¡
- All the power of react-router🛣
- Easy-peasy develop for Capacitor
- Getting started
- How to use
- Example
- Plugin options
- Useful imports
- Warning
- Use Cases
- Bugs and feature requests
- License
The package is distributed using npm, the node package manager.
npm i --save @lomray/vite-ssr-boost
Explore template to more understand how it works or:
- Add plugin to vite config:
* vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'
* Import plugin
import SsrBoost from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/plugin';
export default defineConfig({
* Change root not necessary, but more understandable
root: 'src',
publicDir: '../public',
build: {
outDir: '../build',
* Put here
plugins: [SsrBoost(), react()],
- Create
* src/client.tsx
import entryClient from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/browser/entry';
import App from './App.tsx'
import routes from './routes';
void entryClient(App, routes, {
* (optional). Client configuration
init: () => {},
* (optional). Configure router options
* @see createBrowserRouter second arg
routerOptions: {},
* (optional). Customization create router function, e.g. use from sentry one
createRouter: createBrowserRouter,
* (optional). Change root id
rootId: 'root',
- Create
* src/server.ts
import entryServer from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/node/entry';
import App from './App';
import routes from './routes';
export default entryServer(App, routes, {
* Request timeout (If your backend is slow, increase this value)
abortDelay: 15000, // default: 15000 (ms)
* Server configuration (optional)
init: () => ({
* (optional). Called once after express server creation.
* E.g. use for configure express middlewares
onServerCreated: () => {},
* (optional). Called once after express server started.
onServerStarted: () => {},
* (optional). Called on each incoming request.
* E.g. configure request state, create state manager etc.
onRequest: async () => {},
* (optional). Called when react router and it's context was created.
* E.g. here you can switch stream depends on req.headers, for search crawlers you can disable stream.
onRouterReady: () => {},
* (optional). Called when application shell is ready to send on client.
* E.g. here you can modify header or footer.
onShellReady: () => {},
* (optional). Called when application shell or suspense resolved and sent to the client.
* E.g. here you can add some payload like custom state (any manager state) to response.
onResponse: () => {},
* (optional). Stream error callback. Catch stream errors.
onError: () => {},
* (optional). Called when application shell or all html (depends on stream option) is ready to send on client.
* E.g. here you can send any context or state to client.
getState: () => {},
* (optional). Customize production log handler
* @see @lomray/vite-ssr-boost/services/logger
loggerProd: new Logger(),
* (optional). Customize development log handler
* @see @lomray/vite-ssr-boost/services/logger
loggerDev: new Logger(),
* (optional). Configure pre-builded middlewares
middlewares: {
* @see CompressionOptions from 'compression' package
compression: {},
* @see ServeStaticOptions from 'serve-static' package
expressStatic: {},
* (optional). Configure router static handler options
* @see createStaticHandler second arg
routerOptions: {},
- Replace
"scripts": {
"develop": "ssr-boost dev",
"build": "ssr-boost build",
"start:ssr": "ssr-boost start",
"start:spa": "ssr-boost start --only-client",
"preview": "ssr-boost preview"
- Let's do the magic:
npm run develop
import SsrBoost from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/plugin';
import type { FCRoute } from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/interfaces/fc-route';
* Configuration
* index.html file path
indexFile: 'index.html', // default: index.html
* Server entrypoint file
serverFile: 'server.ts', // default: server.ts
* Client entrypoint file
clientFile: 'client.ts', // default: client.ts
* Add tsconfig aliases to vite config aliases
tsconfigAliases: true, // default: true
* Path contains routes declaration files (need to detect route files).
routesPath: undefined, //default: undefined
* Create additional SPA entrypoint: index-spa.html
* Can be used for service worker: createHandlerBoundToURL("index-spa.html")
spaIndex: false, // default: false
* Additional entry points for build
entrypoint: [], // default: undefined
* Components
// Navigate component based on react-router-dom with server-side support
import Navigate from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/components/navigate';
// Change server response status
import ResponseStatus from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/components/response-status';
// Scroll page to top after navigate
import ScrollToTop from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/components/scroll-to-top';
// HOC for wrap component in Suspense
import withSuspense from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/components/with-suspense';
// Only client side components
import OnlyClient from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/components/only-client';
* Helpers
// Get server state (e.g. state manager) on client side
import getServerState from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/helpers/get-server-state';
* Interfaces
// interfaces for route components
import type { FCRoute, FCCRoute } from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/interfaces/fc-route';
// interface for define routes
import type { TRouteObject } from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/interfaces/route-object';
Client side components import example:
<OnlyClient load={() => import('external-package')}>
{(LoadedComponent) => (
<LoadedComponent />
Explore all commands and options:
ssr-boost -h
Route imports of the following types are supported:
import { RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom';
import HomePage from './pages/home'; // not lazy imports should be directly in file where it use
const importPath = './pages/home';
const routes: RouteObject[] = [
path: '/home',
Component: HomePage, // support
element: <AppLayout />, // support
lazy: () => import('./pages/home'), // support
lazy: () => import(importPath), // not support, but you can move logic in separate file and import it with supported case
* Configure client
void entryClient(App, routes, {
routerOptions: {
basename: '/custom',
* Configure server
export default entryServer(App, routes, {
routerOptions: {
basename: '/custom',
export default defineConfig({
base: '/static',
* Configure server
* NOTE: 'basename' should be equal to 'base' from vite config
export default entryServer(App, routes, {
middlewares: {
expressStatic: {
basename: '/static',
Capacitor additional endpoint
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
entrypoint: [
name: 'mobile',
type: 'spa',
clientFile: './src/mobile.tsx',
buildOptions: '--mode mobile',
const AppMobile: FC = (props) => {
// some mobile logic
return <App {...props} />;
* src/mobile.tsx
void entryClient(AppMobile, routes, {});
Bug or a feature request, please open a new issue.
Made with 💚
Published under MIT License.