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Super easy framework based on Vite for create awesome SSR or SPA applications on React and React Router.


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Super easy framework based on Vite for create awesome SSR or SPA applications on React and React Router.

Vite SSR BOOST logo

Key features:

  • Develop âš¡chargedâš¡ server side applications with React streaming 💨 support.
  • Unlocks Suspense for server side applications.
  • Switch between SPA and SSR in 1 second.
  • Charged CLI out of box.
  • Deploy to AWS Amplify/Docker in SPA/SSR mode for 5 sec.
  • Very easy to migrate, very easy to use.
  • All the power of viteâš¡
  • All the power of react-router🛣
  • Easy-peasy develop for Capacitor

reliability Security Rating Maintainability Rating Vulnerabilities Bugs Lines of Code code coverage semantic version

Table of contents

Getting started

The package is distributed using npm, the node package manager.

npm i --save @lomray/vite-ssr-boost

How to use

Explore template to more understand how it works or:

  1. Add plugin to vite config:
 * vite.config.ts

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'
 * Import plugin
import SsrBoost from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/plugin';

export default defineConfig({
   * Change root not necessary, but more understandable
  root: 'src',
  publicDir: '../public',
  build: {
    outDir: '../build',
   * Put here
  plugins: [SsrBoost(), react()],
  1. Create client entrypoint:
 * src/client.tsx
import entryClient from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/browser/entry';
import App from './App.tsx'
import routes from './routes';

void entryClient(App, routes, {
   * (optional). Client configuration 
  init: () => {},
   * (optional). Configure router options
   * @see createBrowserRouter second arg
  routerOptions: {},
   * (optional). Customization create router function, e.g. use from sentry one
  createRouter: createBrowserRouter,
   * (optional). Change root id
  rootId: 'root',
  1. Create server entrypoint:
 * src/server.ts
import entryServer from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/node/entry';
import App from './App';
import routes from './routes';

export default entryServer(App, routes, {
   * Request timeout (If your backend is slow, increase this value)
  abortDelay: 15000, // default: 15000 (ms)
   * Server configuration (optional)
  init: () => ({
     * (optional). Called once after express server creation.
     * E.g. use for configure express middlewares
    onServerCreated: () => {},
     * (optional). Called once after express server started.
    onServerStarted: () => {},
     * (optional). Called on each incoming request.
     * E.g. configure request state, create state manager etc.
    onRequest: async () => {},
     * (optional). Called when react router and it's context was created.
     * E.g. here you can switch stream depends on req.headers, for search crawlers you can disable stream.
    onRouterReady: () => {},
     * (optional). Called when application shell is ready to send on client.
     * E.g. here you can modify header or footer.
    onShellReady: () => {},
     * (optional). Called when application shell or suspense resolved and sent to the client.
     * E.g. here you can add some payload like custom state (any manager state) to response. 
    onResponse: () => {},
     * (optional). Stream error callback. Catch stream errors.
    onError: () => {},
     * (optional). Called when application shell or all html (depends on stream option) is ready to send on client.
     * E.g. here you can send any context or state to client.
    getState: () => {},
   * (optional). Customize production log handler
   * @see @lomray/vite-ssr-boost/services/logger
  loggerProd: new Logger(),
   * (optional). Customize development log handler
   * @see @lomray/vite-ssr-boost/services/logger
  loggerDev: new Logger(),
   * (optional). Configure pre-builded middlewares
  middlewares: {
     * @see CompressionOptions from 'compression' package
    compression: {},
     * @see ServeStaticOptions from 'serve-static' package
    expressStatic: {},
   * (optional). Configure router static handler options
   * @see createStaticHandler second arg
  routerOptions: {},
  1. Replace package.json scripts:
  "scripts": {
    "develop": "ssr-boost dev",
    "build": "ssr-boost build",
    "start:ssr": "ssr-boost start",
    "start:spa": "ssr-boost start --only-client",
    "preview": "ssr-boost preview"
  1. Let's do the magic:
npm run develop

Plugin options

import SsrBoost from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/plugin';
import type { FCRoute } from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/interfaces/fc-route';

 * Configuration
   * index.html file path
  indexFile: 'index.html', // default: index.html
   * Server entrypoint file
  serverFile: 'server.ts', // default: server.ts
   * Client entrypoint file
  clientFile: 'client.ts', // default: client.ts
   * Add tsconfig aliases to vite config aliases
  tsconfigAliases: true, // default: true
   * Path contains routes declaration files (need to detect route files).
  routesPath: undefined, //default: undefined
   * Create additional SPA entrypoint: index-spa.html
   * Can be used for service worker: createHandlerBoundToURL("index-spa.html")
  spaIndex: false, // default: false
   * Additional entry points for build
  entrypoint: [], // default: undefined

Useful imports

 * Components
// Navigate component based on react-router-dom with server-side support
import Navigate from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/components/navigate';
// Change server response status
import ResponseStatus from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/components/response-status';
// Scroll page to top after navigate
import ScrollToTop from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/components/scroll-to-top';
// HOC for wrap component in Suspense
import withSuspense from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/components/with-suspense';
// Only client side components
import OnlyClient from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/components/only-client';

 * Helpers
// Get server state (e.g. state manager) on client side
import getServerState from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/helpers/get-server-state';

 * Interfaces
// interfaces for route components
import type { FCRoute, FCCRoute } from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/interfaces/fc-route';
// interface for define routes
import type { TRouteObject } from '@lomray/vite-ssr-boost/interfaces/route-object';

Client side components import example:

<OnlyClient load={() => import('external-package')}>
  {(LoadedComponent) => (
    <LoadedComponent />


Explore all commands and options:

ssr-boost -h


Route imports of the following types are supported:

import { RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom';
import HomePage from './pages/home'; // not lazy imports should be directly in file where it use

const importPath = './pages/home';

const routes: RouteObject[] = [
    path: '/home',
    Component: HomePage, // support
    element: <AppLayout />, // support
    lazy: () => import('./pages/home'), // support
    lazy: () => import(importPath), // not support, but you can move logic in separate file and import it with supported case

Use Cases

Change basename

 * Configure client
void entryClient(App, routes, {
  routerOptions: {
    basename: '/custom',
 * Configure server
export default entryServer(App, routes, {
  routerOptions: {
    basename: '/custom',

Change base for static assets

export default defineConfig({
  base: '/static',
 * Configure server
 * NOTE: 'basename' should be equal to 'base' from vite config 
export default entryServer(App, routes, {
  middlewares: {
    expressStatic: {
      basename: '/static',

Capacitor additional endpoint

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      entrypoint: [
          name: 'mobile',
          type: 'spa',
          clientFile: './src/mobile.tsx',
          buildOptions: '--mode mobile',
const AppMobile: FC = (props) => {
  // some mobile logic

  return <App {...props} />;

 * src/mobile.tsx
void entryClient(AppMobile, routes, {});

Bugs and feature requests

Bug or a feature request, please open a new issue.


Made with 💚

Published under MIT License.