You can edit the translations in this folder. The file en-US.json
is the default language. If you want to add a new language, you can copy the en.json
file and rename it to the language code of your language. You can find a list of all language codes here. After you have translated the file, you can add iso code to the main.json
file. But please make sure that you have translated the whole file. If you have any questions, you can contact me on Discord.
English (en-US)
German (de-DE) - Turner
Italian (it-IT) - HASIDU
Spanish (es-AR) - Leannfg
Chinese (zh-CN) - JNjiaonang
Vietnamese (vi-VN) - khanhdinhvn
Turkish (tr-TR) - EmreSrs
Chinese (zh-HK) - CFLam-FiveM
Nederlands (nl-NL) - Dahamster
Português (pt-BR) - RenildoMarcio