This script scans Millions of Cloudflare IP addresses and generates a result file containing the IPs which are work with CDN.
This script uses v2ray+vmess+websocket+tls by default and if you want to use it behind your Cloudflare proxy then you have to set up a vmess account, otherwise, it will use the default configuration.
Docker repository page HERE
[~]>$ sudo docker pull bashsiz/cfscanner:latest
[~]>$ mkdir -p /tmp/cfscanner/config /tmp/cfscanner/result
[~]>$ cd /tmp/cfscanner/
[/tmp/cfscanner]>$ sudo docker run -v /tmp/cfscanner/config:/CFSCANNER/CFScanner/config -v /tmp/cfscanner/result:/CFSCANNER/CFScanner/result -it bashsiz/cfscanner:latest bash
root@1b2f73d5988c:/CFSCANNER# ls
root@1b2f73d5988c:/CFSCANNER/CFScanner# git pull
root@1b2f73d5988c:/CFSCANNER/CFScanner# cd bash/
root@1b2f73d5988c:/CFSCANNER/CFScanner/bash# ls
cf.local.iplist config.json.temp config.script custom.ips custom.subnets
This step is same as before, you can see in the main README. of project
You can find the result and config files in the directories that you mounted as volume to the container
[/tmp/cfscanner]>$ ls *
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