MozPeach is a fork of Peach v2.7 by Mozilla Security. With support from our community and partnerships our goal is to continue to deliver Peach as an open source product with Python compatibility and new features.
Our focus is on usability, speed and fewer dependencies. We have also begun work on Python 3 support, replaced deprecated Python dependencies, switched the XML back-end, added a new configuration system, simplified code and much more.
sudo apt-get --yes --quiet install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev lib32z1-dev
pip install virtualenv
pip install virtualenvwrapper
git clone --depth 1
cd peach
git clone --depth 1
mkvirtualenv -r requirements.txt peach
workon peach
Peach uses XML based "pits" as configuration files. There are two types of pits which we will briefly describe here.
Pit: Data Model
A data-model pit is an XML description of a specification and is required to parse any kind of input into an in-memory XML tree. Peach then uses that tree to generate fuzzed output.
Pit: Target
The target pit is used to define how the target process will get fuzzed, how it will be monitored for suspicious behavior and how to deal with results.
It is optional whether you place everything into one pit however not doing so will simplify working with multiple targets, different hosts and reusing pits. Following the data model/target pit practice will allow the reuse of data model pits across projects.
./ -pit Pits/<component>/<format>/<name>.xml -target Pits/Targets/firefox.xml -run Browser
HINT: You can set related configuration values for both pits from the command-line by using the -macros switch.
./ -pit Pits/<component>/<format>/<name>.xml -1 -debug | less -R
NOTE: This will show a very verbose output of the parsing process. To see only the results of the parsing process for each element you can add: "| grep Rating | less -R"
% ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-pit path] [-run name]
[-analyzer ANALYZER [ANALYZER ...]] [-parser PARSER]
[-target TARGET] [-macros MACROS [MACROS ...]] [-seed #]
[-debug] [-new] [-1] [-range # #] [-test] [-count] [-skipto #]
[-parallel # #] [-agent # #] [-logging #]
[-check model samples] [-verbose] [-clean] [-version]
Peach Runtime
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-pit path pit file
-run name run name
-analyzer ANALYZER [ANALYZER ...]
load analyzer.
-parser PARSER use specific parser.
-target TARGET select a target pit.
-macros MACROS [MACROS ...]
override configuration macros
-seed # seed
-debug turn on debugging. (default: False)
-new use new relations.
-1 run single test case.
-range # # run range of test cases.
-test validate pit file.
-count count test cases for deterministic strategies.
-skipto # skip to a test case number.
-parallel # # use parallelism.
-agent # # start agent.
-logging # verbosity level of logging
-check model samples validate a data model against a set of samples.
-verbose turn verbosity on. (default: False)
-clean remove python object files.
-version show program's version number and exit
Resources which aid in building a pit based on the grammar of a file format: