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This plugin supports Vite 5 and 6.

This ViteJS plugin generates a single SVG spritemap with <symbol>/<view>/<use> for each SVG files. It can also generate a stylesheet (CSS/SCSS/Stylus/Less) containing the sprites to be used directly (via a Data URI or SVG fragments).


This plugin is inspired by svg-spritemap-webpack-plugin for Webpack.

πŸš€ Features

  • ⚑ Fully integrated in your ViteJS environment
  • πŸ“¦ Pack your SVG files in one (spritemap) file
  • ✨ Use your SVG in an <svg> or <img> tags and also directly in your CSS/SCSS/Stylus/Less
  • πŸ• Import SVG fragment as VueJS component
  • πŸ”₯ HMR support

πŸ“¦ Install

npm i -D @spiriit/vite-plugin-svg-spritemap
npm i -D svgo #if you need svgo optimization

# yarn
yarn add -D @spiriit/vite-plugin-svg-spritemap
yarn add -D svgo #if you need svgo optimization

# pnpm
pnpm add -D @spiriit/vite-plugin-svg-spritemap
pnpm add -D svgo #if you need svgo optimization

# bun
bun add -D @spiriit/vite-plugin-svg-spritemap
bun add -D svgo #if you need svgo optimization

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Quick start

Add all your SVGs icons in one folder (like below /src/icons folder for example) and pass the first argument as a glob path including your svg files.

// vite.config.js / vite.config.ts
import VitePluginSvgSpritemap from '@spiriit/vite-plugin-svg-spritemap'

export default {
  plugins: [VitePluginSvgSpritemap('./src/icons/*.svg')]

You can access to the spritemap via the route /__spritemap. All files process by ViteJS will transform the path of the file on build. The prefix is sprite- by default.

The plugin will generate a spritemap to support all methods described below (files populated with <view> for fragments and <use> for sprite). This can be configured through options.


  <use xlink:href="/__spritemap#sprite-spiriit"></use>


You need to add the suffix -view to access to the fragment.

<img src="/__spritemap#sprite-spiriit-view" />

πŸ“š Documentation

For more informations, check the vite-plugin-svg-spritemap documentation. It covers everything from getting started to advanced topics.

πŸƒ What's next

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Licence