This repository demonstrates the implementation and deployoment of a facial expression recognition deep learning model using Apache MXNet, based on the FER+ paper by Barsoum et. al..
The repository consists of the following resources:
- Scripts for data pre-processing as suggested in the paper.
- Notebook for model building and training, using Apache MXNet.
- Model deployment for online inference, using MXNet Model Server
Check out a working FER+ web application demo, powered by AWS.
# Install MXNet
pip install mxnet-mkl # for CPU machines
pip install mxnet-cu92 # for GPU machines with CUDA 9.2
# Other Dependencies
pip install Pillow # For image processing
pip install graphviz # For MXNet network visualization
pip install matplotlib # For plotting training graphs
# Install MXNet Model Server and required dependencies for inference model serving
pip install mxnet-model-server
pip install scikit-image
pip install opencv-python
Note: please refer to MXNet installation guide for more detailed installation instructions.
Clone this repository
git clone
cd facial-emotion-recognition-gluon
Download FER dataset fer2013.tar.gz
from the FER Kaggle competition.
Note: You cannot download the dataset with wget
. You will have to register on Kaggle, and then login to download the dataset.
Once downloaded:
- Extract the tar file -
- Copy
dataset tofacial-emotion-recognition-gluon/data
We will now generate FER+
train/test/validation dataset from the downloaded FER
data by executing the command below:
# In this step, we read the raw FER data, correct the labels using FER+ labels, and save as png images.
# -d : path to "data" folder in this repository. It has folder for Train/Test/Validation data with corrected labels.
# -fer : path to fer dataset that you have extracted.
# -ferplus : path to fer2013new.csv file that comes with this repository in the data folder
python utils/ -d ./data -fer ./data/fer2013.csv -ferplus ./data/fer2013new.csv
Lastly, we will process the FER+
train/test/validation dataset
# This script reads the FER+ dataset (png images) we prepared in the previous step, applies the transformation suggested in the FER+ paper, and saves the processed images as NumPy binaries (npy files).
# -d : path to data folder. This is where we have created data from the previous step.
python utils/ -d ./data
Go over this notebook that provides basic overview and intuitiion for various deep learning concepts and techniaues used in building and training the model.
Head over to the FER+ tutorial, to go over the process for building, training and deploying FER+ model. It is best to run as a live Jupyter Notebook, and you would need a GPU machine to complete training in a reasonable time.
Below are few areas of improvements and next steps for the advanced reader. Contributions back to the repository are welcomed!
- Hyper-parameter optimization - In this implementation, I have not optimized hyper-parameters (learning rate scheduler for SGD) for best possible result.
- Implement multi-gpu version of model training. This script provides single GPU implementation only. Time per epoch on single GPU is around 1 minute => approx 50 minutes for full model training (Model converges at around 50th epoch)
- Barsoum, Emad & Zhang, Cha & Canton Ferrer, Cristian & Zhang, Zhengyou (2016). Training Deep Networks for Facial Expression Recognition with Crowd-Sourced Label Distribution. In ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI).
- CNTK implementation of FER+ paper -
- FER demo built by (GitHub repo will be public soon)
- Apache MXNet (incubating) -
- Learn Deep Learning with Gluon -
- Productionizing Deep Learning Models with MXNet Model Server -