Our paper is accepted for an oral presentation (top 3.3%) at CVPR 2024. PDF is available at arxiv
All experiments were implemented under Ubuntu 16.04 and NVIDIA TESLA V100/NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 with the cuda version of 11.3/11.6.
To setup working environment, you need to create a virtual Python environment using Conda and then install the required packages using pip
conda create -n dvl_env python=3.8 -c anaconda
conda activate dvl_env
conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
pip install -r requirements.txt
Next, clone the feature matching model TopicFM and put it in the third_party
mkdir third_party/feat_matcher && cd third_party/feat_matcher
git clone https://github.com/TruongKhang/TopicFM.git
We train our network on the MegaDepth dataset.
Note that you just need to download the file MegaDepth v1 Dataset (tar.gz, 199 GB)
from the official website.
We recommend storing your training data in data/megadepth
folder. The structure of this folder looks like this:
├── megadepth
├── phoenix # this folder is uncompressed from the file .tar.gz
├── preprocessed
├── scene_points3d
└── megadepth_2d3d_q500ov0.2-1.0covis3-15.npy
The data in the preprocessed
folder is uploaded here
After downloading all data, you can change some training parameters in scripts/train_megadepth.sh
and then run this script to train models
bash scripts/train_megadepth.sh configs/megadepth.yml
Download the dataset and save it into the folder data
. This script are provided by HLoc.
bash scripts/download_7scenes.sh
Run the evaluation code as follows:
python evaluate.py configs/se7scenes.yml --ckpt_path pretrained/deviloc_weights.ckpt
bash scripts/download_cambridge.sh
python evaluate.py configs/cambridge.yml --ckpt_path pretrained/deviloc_weights.ckpt
The estimated camera poses of these datasets are evaluated on this benchmark website.
Downloading files contains pairs of query-reference images
For the Aachen, Robotcar, and CMU datasets, it is required to select K reference images per a query image for localization.
First, you need to download each dataset using the provided script in scripts/download_aachen/robotcar/cmu.sh
Next, please download our preprocessed pair files here and put each of them into the dataset folder like this:
├── aachen
├── pairs
├── pairs-query-netvlad50.txt
├── RobotCarSeasons
├── pairs-query-cosplace20.txt
├── Extended-CMU-Seasons
├── slice2
├── pairs-query-cosplace10.txt
├── slice21
├── pairs-query-cosplace10.txt
bash scripts/download_aachen.sh
python evaluate.py configs/aachen.yml --ckpt_path pretrained/deviloc_weights.ckpt --out_file aachen_eval_deviloc.txt --covis_clustering
bash scripts/download_robotcar.sh
python evaluate.py configs/robotcar.yml --ckpt_path pretrained/deviloc_weights.ckpt --out_file robotcar_eval_deviloc.txt
bash scripts/download_cmu.sh
python evaluate.py configs/cmu.yml --ckpt_path pretrained/deviloc_weights.ckpt --out_file cmu_eval_deviloc.txt
title={Learning to Produce Semi-dense Correspondences for Visual Localization},
author={Giang, Khang Truong and Song, Soohwan and Jo, Sungho},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern recognition},
This work is affiliated with NMAIL-KAIST, and its intellectual property belongs to NMAIL-KAIST.
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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