- 🏡 I am working remotely as a Quality Engineer at @Expressivee, and as a Freenlancer.
- 🛠️ I am maintaining some Chocolatey packages
- ✍️ I am also writing some articles about programming stuff on my personal blog, and some others platforms.
- 📝 My current focus is on improving my online presence, and my personal blog.
- 💻 Working daily with C++, CMake, Python Azure Pipelines and GitHub and experimenting with web related languages.
Operating systems:
- MCS 0041: GitHub’s Push, RaspRover, $25M Theft of Ethereum
- MCS 0040: Undefined behavior, WiFi Card, Twterm
- MCS 0039: Setting Intentions, Rmlint, Branch Prediction in CPU
- MCS 0038: Arm64 on GitHUb Action, API VS SDK, Using namespaces effectively
- MCS 0037: Elia, Terminalizer, Harmful overuse of std::move
- 🔒 Closed issue #32 in Xav83/chocolatey-packages
- 💪 Opened PR #9 in Xav83/module_map_visualizer
- 💪 Opened PR #1 in Xav83/module_map_visualizer
- 🗣 Commented on #128 in Xav83/Xav83.github.io
- 🔒 Closed issue #31 in Xav83/chocolatey-packages