Code for the Paper: A Semi-supervised Nighttime Dehazing Baseline with Spatial-Frequency Aware and Realistic Brightness Constraint
If you have any quesions, feel free to contact me. My E-mail and WeChat can be found at my homepage: [Homepage]
The training code is provided in the (my) folder "task_SFSNiD"!!!! And the Supplemental Materials are in "supplemental_material.pdf"
Download nighttime haze dataset from websites or papers. Follow the organization form below.
├── dataset_name
├── train
├── hazy
├── im1.jpg
├── im2.jpg
└── ...
├── clear
├── im1.jpg
├── im2.jpg
└── ...
├── val
├── hazy
├── im1.jpg
├── im2.jpg
└── ...
├── clear
├── im1.jpg
├── im2.jpg
└── ...
├── test
├── hazy
├── im1.jpg
├── im2.jpg
└── ...
├── clear
├── im1.jpg
├── im2.jpg
└── ...
The datasets can be downloaded at
- GTA5:
- NightHaze and YellowHaze:
Division of the number of training and test images: We provide the division ratios in the supplementary material. Currently, there is little research on nighttime dehazing. We noticed that different papers use different division ratios. This may lead to different results for datasets such as NHM and NightHaze.
Follow step 1 to put the synthetic data into the corresponding folder.
cd task_SFSNiD
python --results_dir ../results/MyNightDehazing/train_SFSNiD_supervised/NHR/ \
--img_h 256 --img_w 256 --train_batch_size 4 \
--dataset NHR --total_epoches 100 --lr 0.0001 \
--device cuda:0 --num_res 3
Reduce the brightness of UNREAL-NH's hazy and haze-free images through Gamma correction. We call this dataset UNREAL_NH_No_Sky_Dark. Then proceed to supervised training. The pseudo labels are generated by
cd task_SFSNiD
python --net SFSNiD \
--results_dir ../results/MyNightDehazing/RWNHC_MM23_pseudo_labels/ \
--img_h 256 --img_w 256 \
--pth_path ../results/MyNightDehazing/train_SFSNiD_supervised/UNREAL_NH_NoSKy_Dark/models/last_SFSNiD_UNREAL_NH_NoSky_Dark.pth \
--dataset RWNHC_MM23
Note: Images with sky can be deleted for better real-world performance. The names of the images used are in UNREAL_NH_No_Sky_Dark.txt.
Follow the Step 1. to put the synthetic data and real-world data (pseudo labels) into the corresponding folders.
python --results_dir ../results/MyNightDehazing/train_SFSNiD_semi_supervised/RWNHC_MM23_PseudoLabel_kappa130/ \
--img_h 256 --img_w 256 --train_batch_size 4 --dataset RWNHC_MM23_PseudoLabel \
--total_epoches 20 --lr 0.0001 --device cuda:0 --num_res 3 \
--patch_size 16 --bri_ratio 100 --bri_weight 20 --kappa 130
cd task_SFSNiD
python --net SFSNiD \
--results_dir ../results/MyNightDehazing/RWNHC_MM23_PseudoLabel_kappa130_results/ \
--img_h 256 --img_w 256 \
--pth_path ../results/MyNightDehazing/train_SFSNiD_semi_supervised/RWNHC_MM23_PseudoLabel_kappa130/models/last_SFSNiD_/RWNHC_MM23_PseudoLabel.pth \
--dataset RWNHC_MM23
Recently, several researchers are interested in the “Figure 7. Dehazed images obtained under different κ” in the paper. I retrained the ablation experiments with different kappa. I sent them the weights by email. The settings of the ablation experiment are basically the same as those of the main experiment. The epochs of the ablation experiment are less than those of the main experiment. However, the visual results are basically the same.
If you are also interested, I put the weights of different kappa in
This link contains all real-world dehazed images. And the weights can be directly used for real-world inference.
Some researchers emailed me to discuss nighttime dehazing: Is synthetic data reliable?
My experience is: On the synthetic dataset, as the iterations proceed, the PSNR and SSIM of the model tend to be stable/higher. However, in the real world, the real-world visual results obtained in different epochs may be unstable. After all, we do not have a metric to measure the real-world dehazing effect. So, my experience is that you should not use the metrics (PSNR) obtained on synthetic data to judge the dehazing performance in the real world. Sometimes the conclusions obtained may be the opposite.
- 2024.03.27: The first version is uploaded. This is a temporary version from the server.
- CVPR's camera-ready is not yet complete.