form :background #eee //
  • Field wrappers li :padding 10px 0px //
  • Check/Radio wrappers li :padding 0 //-------------------------------------------------------- // Fieldsets //-------------------------------------------------------- fieldset :margin-top 20px // Be sure to override styling for nested fieldsets li fieldset :padding 0 //-------------------------------------------------------- // Legend & Labels //-------------------------------------------------------- legend, label // Set color manually to override IE's stupid rules for legends :color #333 label, .label :padding-bottom 5px // required * <--styling abbr :color #f00 label :line-height 1.4em :font-size 13px legend span :font-size 1.4em // Set lineheight for dumb IE :line-height 1em &.label :font-size 1em //-------------------------------------------------------- // Inputs //-------------------------------------------------------- select :padding 3px input, textarea, select :font-family inherit :font-size 14px textarea, input :border 1px solid #999 :padding 6px 8px :line-height 100% //-------------------------------------------------------- // Date Time Styling //-------------------------------------------------------- .date, .time, .datetime li :margin 0 0.3em 0 0 //-------------------------------------------------------- // Feedback (Requirements, Errors and Hints) // Add horizontal margin/padding with care as it can // break the layout on floats! //-------------------------------------------------------- #errorExplanation li :margin-left 15px form p, .errors :padding 3px 0px .required input,textarea,select :background-color #fff .error input,textarea,select :background-color #fcc :border 1px solid #f66 .optional input,textarea,select :background-color #fff .errors :color #a00 li :margin-left 1.2em p.inline-errors :color #f00 p.inline-hints :color #777 //-------------------------------------------------------- // Submit Buttons //-------------------------------------------------------- .buttons :padding-top 8px :padding-bottom 8px :margin-top 8px li :padding-right 0.5em input :border 1px solid #999