/* * installation_proxy.c * com.apple.mobile.installation_proxy service implementation. * * Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Martin Szulecki All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Nikias Bassen, All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <plist/plist.h> #include "installation_proxy.h" #include "property_list_service.h" #include "common/debug.h" typedef enum { INSTPROXY_COMMAND_TYPE_ASYNC, INSTPROXY_COMMAND_TYPE_SYNC } instproxy_command_type_t; struct instproxy_status_data { instproxy_client_t client; plist_t command; instproxy_status_cb_t cbfunc; void *user_data; }; /** * Converts an error string identifier to a instproxy_error_t value. * Used internally to get correct error codes from a response. * * @param name The error name to convert. * @param error_detail Pointer to store error detail text if available. The * caller is reponsible for freeing the allocated buffer after use. If NULL * is passed no error detail will be returned. * * @return A matching instproxy_error_t error code or * INSTPROXY_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR otherwise. */ static instproxy_error_t instproxy_strtoerr(const char* name) { instproxy_error_t err = INSTPROXY_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; if (strcmp(name, "AlreadyArchived") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_ALREADY_ARCHIVED; } else if (strcmp(name, "APIInternalError") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_API_INTERNAL_ERROR; } else if (strcmp(name, "ApplicationAlreadyInstalled") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_APPLICATION_ALREADY_INSTALLED; } else if (strcmp(name, "ApplicationMoveFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_APPLICATION_MOVE_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "ApplicationSINFCaptureFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_APPLICATION_SINF_CAPTURE_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "ApplicationSandboxFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_APPLICATION_SANDBOX_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "ApplicationVerificationFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_APPLICATION_VERIFICATION_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "ArchiveDestructionFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_ARCHIVE_DESTRUCTION_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "BundleVerificationFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_BUNDLE_VERIFICATION_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "CarrierBundleCopyFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_CARRIER_BUNDLE_COPY_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "CarrierBundleDirectoryCreationFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_CARRIER_BUNDLE_DIRECTORY_CREATION_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "CarrierBundleMissingSupportedSIMs") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_CARRIER_BUNDLE_MISSING_SUPPORTED_SIMS; } else if (strcmp(name, "CommCenterNotificationFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_COMM_CENTER_NOTIFICATION_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "ContainerCreationFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_CONTAINER_CREATION_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "ContainerP0wnFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_CONTAINER_P0WN_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "ContainerRemovalFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_CONTAINER_REMOVAL_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "EmbeddedProfileInstallFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_EMBEDDED_PROFILE_INSTALL_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "ExecutableTwiddleFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_EXECUTABLE_TWIDDLE_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "ExistenceCheckFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_EXISTENCE_CHECK_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "InstallMapUpdateFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_INSTALL_MAP_UPDATE_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "ManifestCaptureFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_MANIFEST_CAPTURE_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "MapGenerationFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_MAP_GENERATION_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "MissingBundleExecutable") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_MISSING_BUNDLE_EXECUTABLE; } else if (strcmp(name, "MissingBundleIdentifier") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_MISSING_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER; } else if (strcmp(name, "MissingBundlePath") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_MISSING_BUNDLE_PATH; } else if (strcmp(name, "MissingContainer") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_MISSING_CONTAINER; } else if (strcmp(name, "NotificationFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_NOTIFICATION_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "PackageExtractionFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_PACKAGE_EXTRACTION_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "PackageInspectionFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_PACKAGE_INSPECTION_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "PackageMoveFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_PACKAGE_MOVE_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "PathConversionFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_PATH_CONVERSION_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "RestoreContainerFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_RESTORE_CONTAINER_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "SeatbeltProfileRemovalFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_SEATBELT_PROFILE_REMOVAL_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "StageCreationFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_STAGE_CREATION_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "SymlinkFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_SYMLINK_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "UnknownCommand") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_UNKNOWN_COMMAND; } else if (strcmp(name, "iTunesArtworkCaptureFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_ITUNES_ARTWORK_CAPTURE_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "iTunesMetadataCaptureFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_ITUNES_METADATA_CAPTURE_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "DeviceOSVersionTooLow") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_DEVICE_OS_VERSION_TOO_LOW; } else if (strcmp(name, "DeviceFamilyNotSupported") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_DEVICE_FAMILY_NOT_SUPPORTED; } else if (strcmp(name, "PackagePatchFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_PACKAGE_PATCH_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "IncorrectArchitecture") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_INCORRECT_ARCHITECTURE; } else if (strcmp(name, "PluginCopyFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_PLUGIN_COPY_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "BreadcrumbFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_BREADCRUMB_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "BreadcrumbUnlockFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_BREADCRUMB_UNLOCK_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "GeoJSONCaptureFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_GEOJSON_CAPTURE_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "NewsstandArtworkCaptureFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_NEWSSTAND_ARTWORK_CAPTURE_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "MissingCommand") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_MISSING_COMMAND; } else if (strcmp(name, "NotEntitled") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_NOT_ENTITLED; } else if (strcmp(name, "MissingPackagePath") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_MISSING_PACKAGE_PATH; } else if (strcmp(name, "MissingContainerPath") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_MISSING_CONTAINER_PATH; } else if (strcmp(name, "MissingApplicationIdentifier") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_MISSING_APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER; } else if (strcmp(name, "MissingAttributeValue") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE; } else if (strcmp(name, "LookupFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_LOOKUP_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "DictCreationFailed") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_DICT_CREATION_FAILED; } else if (strcmp(name, "InstallProhibited") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_INSTALL_PROHIBITED; } else if (strcmp(name, "UninstallProhibited") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_UNINSTALL_PROHIBITED; } else if (strcmp(name, "MissingBundleVersion") == 0) { err = INSTPROXY_E_MISSING_BUNDLE_VERSION; } return err; } /** * Locks an installation_proxy client, used for thread safety. * * @param client The installation_proxy client to lock */ static void instproxy_lock(instproxy_client_t client) { debug_info("Locked"); mutex_lock(&client->mutex); } /** * Unlocks an installation_proxy client, used for thread safety. * * @param client The installation_proxy client to lock */ static void instproxy_unlock(instproxy_client_t client) { debug_info("Unlocked"); mutex_unlock(&client->mutex); } /** * Converts a property_list_service_error_t value to an instproxy_error_t value. * Used internally to get correct error codes. * * @param err A property_list_service_error_t error code * * @return A matching instproxy_error_t error code, * INSTPROXY_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR otherwise. */ static instproxy_error_t instproxy_error(property_list_service_error_t err) { switch (err) { case PROPERTY_LIST_SERVICE_E_SUCCESS: return INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS; case PROPERTY_LIST_SERVICE_E_INVALID_ARG: return INSTPROXY_E_INVALID_ARG; case PROPERTY_LIST_SERVICE_E_PLIST_ERROR: return INSTPROXY_E_PLIST_ERROR; case PROPERTY_LIST_SERVICE_E_MUX_ERROR: return INSTPROXY_E_CONN_FAILED; case PROPERTY_LIST_SERVICE_E_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT: return INSTPROXY_E_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT; default: break; } return INSTPROXY_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API instproxy_error_t instproxy_client_new(idevice_t device, lockdownd_service_descriptor_t service, instproxy_client_t *client) { property_list_service_client_t plistclient = NULL; instproxy_error_t err = instproxy_error(property_list_service_client_new(device, service, &plistclient)); if (err != INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS) { return err; } instproxy_client_t client_loc = (instproxy_client_t) malloc(sizeof(struct instproxy_client_private)); client_loc->parent = plistclient; mutex_init(&client_loc->mutex); client_loc->receive_status_thread = THREAD_T_NULL; *client = client_loc; return INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API instproxy_error_t instproxy_client_start_service(idevice_t device, instproxy_client_t * client, const char* label) { instproxy_error_t err = INSTPROXY_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; service_client_factory_start_service(device, INSTPROXY_SERVICE_NAME, (void**)client, label, SERVICE_CONSTRUCTOR(instproxy_client_new), &err); return err; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API instproxy_error_t instproxy_client_free(instproxy_client_t client) { if (!client) return INSTPROXY_E_INVALID_ARG; property_list_service_client_t parent = client->parent; client->parent = NULL; if (client->receive_status_thread) { debug_info("joining receive_status_thread"); thread_join(client->receive_status_thread); thread_free(client->receive_status_thread); client->receive_status_thread = THREAD_T_NULL; } property_list_service_client_free(parent); mutex_destroy(&client->mutex); free(client); return INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS; } /** * Sends a command to the device. * Only used internally. * * @param client The connected installation_proxy client. * @param command The command to execute. Required. * * @return INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS on success or an INSTPROXY_E_* error value if * an error occurred. */ static instproxy_error_t instproxy_send_command(instproxy_client_t client, plist_t command) { if (!client || !command) return INSTPROXY_E_INVALID_ARG; instproxy_error_t res = instproxy_error(property_list_service_send_xml_plist(client->parent, command)); if (res != INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS) { debug_info("could not send command plist, error %d", res); return res; } return res; } /** * Internally used function that will synchronously receive messages from * the specified installation_proxy until it completes or an error occurs. * * If status_cb is not NULL, the callback function will be called each time * a status update or error message is received. * * @param client The connected installation proxy client * @param status_cb Pointer to a callback function or NULL * @param command Operation specificiation in plist. Will be passed to the * status_cb callback. * @param user_data Callback data passed to status_cb. */ static instproxy_error_t instproxy_receive_status_loop(instproxy_client_t client, plist_t command, instproxy_status_cb_t status_cb, void *user_data) { instproxy_error_t res = INSTPROXY_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; int complete = 0; plist_t node = NULL; char* command_name = NULL; char* status_name = NULL; char* error_name = NULL; char* error_description = NULL; uint64_t error_code = 0; #ifndef STRIP_DEBUG_CODE int percent_complete = 0; #endif instproxy_command_get_name(command, &command_name); do { /* receive status response */ instproxy_lock(client); res = instproxy_error(property_list_service_receive_plist_with_timeout(client->parent, &node, 1000)); instproxy_unlock(client); /* break out if we have a communication problem */ if (res != INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS && res != INSTPROXY_E_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT) { debug_info("could not receive plist, error %d", res); break; } /* parse status response */ if (node) { /* check status for possible error to allow reporting it and aborting it gracefully */ res = instproxy_status_get_error(node, &error_name, &error_description, &error_code); if (res != INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS) { debug_info("command: %s, error %d, code 0x%08"PRIx64", name: %s, description: \"%s\"", command_name, res, error_code, error_name, error_description ? error_description: "N/A"); complete = 1; } if (error_name) { free(error_name); error_name = NULL; } if (error_description) { free(error_description); error_description = NULL; } /* check status from response */ instproxy_status_get_name(node, &status_name); if (!status_name) { debug_info("ignoring message without Status key:"); debug_plist(node); } else { if (!strcmp(status_name, "Complete")) { complete = 1; } else { res = INSTPROXY_E_OP_IN_PROGRESS; } #ifndef STRIP_DEBUG_CODE percent_complete = -1; instproxy_status_get_percent_complete(node, &percent_complete); if (percent_complete >= 0) { debug_info("command: %s, status: %s, percent (%d%%)", command_name, status_name, percent_complete); } else { debug_info("command: %s, status: %s", command_name, status_name); } #endif free(status_name); status_name = NULL; } /* invoke status callback function */ if (status_cb) { status_cb(command, node, user_data); } plist_free(node); node = NULL; } } while (!complete && client->parent); if (command_name) free(command_name); return res; } /** * Internally used "receive status" thread function that will call the specified * callback function when status update messages (or error messages) are * received. * * @param arg Pointer to an allocated struct instproxy_status_data that holds * the required data about the connected client and the callback function. * * @return Always NULL. */ static void* instproxy_receive_status_loop_thread(void* arg) { struct instproxy_status_data *data = (struct instproxy_status_data*)arg; /* run until the command is complete or an error occurs */ (void)instproxy_receive_status_loop(data->client, data->command, data->cbfunc, data->user_data); /* cleanup */ instproxy_lock(data->client); debug_info("done, cleaning up."); if (data->command) { plist_free(data->command); } if (data->client->receive_status_thread) { thread_free(data->client->receive_status_thread); data->client->receive_status_thread = THREAD_T_NULL; } instproxy_unlock(data->client); free(data); return NULL; } /** * Internally used helper function that creates a "receive status" thread which * will call the passed callback function when a status is received. * * If async is 0 no thread will be created and the command will run * synchronously until it completes or an error occurs. * * @param client The connected installation proxy client * @param command Operation name. Will be passed to the callback function * in async mode or shown in debug messages in sync mode. * @param async A boolean indicating if receive loop should be run * asynchronously or block. * @param status_cb Pointer to a callback function or NULL. * @param user_data Callback data passed to status_cb. * * @return INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS when the thread was created (async mode), or * when the command completed successfully (sync). * An INSTPROXY_E_* error value is returned if an error occurred. */ static instproxy_error_t instproxy_receive_status_loop_with_callback(instproxy_client_t client, plist_t command, instproxy_command_type_t async, instproxy_status_cb_t status_cb, void *user_data) { if (!client || !client->parent || !command) { return INSTPROXY_E_INVALID_ARG; } if (client->receive_status_thread) { return INSTPROXY_E_OP_IN_PROGRESS; } instproxy_error_t res = INSTPROXY_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; if (async == INSTPROXY_COMMAND_TYPE_ASYNC) { /* async mode */ struct instproxy_status_data *data = (struct instproxy_status_data*)malloc(sizeof(struct instproxy_status_data)); if (data) { data->client = client; data->command = plist_copy(command); data->cbfunc = status_cb; data->user_data = user_data; if (thread_new(&client->receive_status_thread, instproxy_receive_status_loop_thread, data) == 0) { res = INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS; } } } else { /* sync mode as a fallback */ res = instproxy_receive_status_loop(client, command, status_cb, user_data); } return res; } /** * Internal core function to send a command and process the response. * * @param client The connected installation_proxy client * @param command The command specification dictionary. * @param async A boolean indicating whether the receive loop should be run * asynchronously or block until completing the command. * @param status_cb Callback function to call if a command status is received. * @param user_data Callback data passed to status_cb. * * @return INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS on success or an INSTPROXY_E_* error value if * an error occurred. */ static instproxy_error_t instproxy_perform_command(instproxy_client_t client, plist_t command, instproxy_command_type_t async, instproxy_status_cb_t status_cb, void *user_data) { if (!client || !client->parent || !command) { return INSTPROXY_E_INVALID_ARG; } if (client->receive_status_thread) { return INSTPROXY_E_OP_IN_PROGRESS; } instproxy_error_t res = INSTPROXY_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; /* send command */ instproxy_lock(client); res = instproxy_send_command(client, command); instproxy_unlock(client); /* loop until status or error is received */ res = instproxy_receive_status_loop_with_callback(client, command, async, status_cb, user_data); return res; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API instproxy_error_t instproxy_browse_with_callback(instproxy_client_t client, plist_t client_options, instproxy_status_cb_t status_cb, void *user_data) { if (!client || !client->parent || !status_cb) return INSTPROXY_E_INVALID_ARG; instproxy_error_t res = INSTPROXY_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; plist_t command = plist_new_dict(); plist_dict_set_item(command, "Command", plist_new_string("Browse")); if (client_options) plist_dict_set_item(command, "ClientOptions", plist_copy(client_options)); res = instproxy_perform_command(client, command, INSTPROXY_COMMAND_TYPE_ASYNC, status_cb, (void*)user_data); plist_free(command); return res; } static void instproxy_append_current_list_to_result_cb(plist_t command, plist_t status, void *user_data) { plist_t *result_array = (plist_t*)user_data; uint64_t current_amount = 0; plist_t current_list = NULL; uint64_t i; instproxy_status_get_current_list(status, NULL, NULL, ¤t_amount, ¤t_list); debug_info("current_amount: %d", current_amount); if (current_amount > 0) { for (i = 0; current_list && (i < current_amount); i++) { plist_t item = plist_array_get_item(current_list, i); plist_array_append_item(*result_array, plist_copy(item)); } } if (current_list) plist_free(current_list); } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API instproxy_error_t instproxy_browse(instproxy_client_t client, plist_t client_options, plist_t *result) { if (!client || !client->parent || !result) return INSTPROXY_E_INVALID_ARG; instproxy_error_t res = INSTPROXY_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; plist_t result_array = plist_new_array(); plist_t command = plist_new_dict(); plist_dict_set_item(command, "Command", plist_new_string("Browse")); if (client_options) plist_dict_set_item(command, "ClientOptions", plist_copy(client_options)); res = instproxy_perform_command(client, command, INSTPROXY_COMMAND_TYPE_SYNC, instproxy_append_current_list_to_result_cb, (void*)&result_array); if (res == INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS) { *result = result_array; } else { plist_free(result_array); } plist_free(command); return res; } static void instproxy_copy_lookup_result_cb(plist_t command, plist_t status, void *user_data) { plist_t* result = (plist_t*)user_data; plist_t node = plist_dict_get_item(status, "LookupResult"); if (node) { *result = plist_copy(node); } } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API instproxy_error_t instproxy_lookup(instproxy_client_t client, const char** appids, plist_t client_options, plist_t *result) { instproxy_error_t res = INSTPROXY_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; int i = 0; plist_t lookup_result = NULL; plist_t command = NULL; plist_t appid_array = NULL; plist_t node = NULL; if (!client || !client->parent || !result) return INSTPROXY_E_INVALID_ARG; command = plist_new_dict(); plist_dict_set_item(command, "Command", plist_new_string("Lookup")); if (client_options) { node = plist_copy(client_options); } else if (appids) { node = plist_new_dict(); } /* add bundle identifiers to client options */ if (appids) { appid_array = plist_new_array(); while (appids[i]) { plist_array_append_item(appid_array, plist_new_string(appids[i])); i++; } plist_dict_set_item(node, "BundleIDs", appid_array); } if (node) { plist_dict_set_item(command, "ClientOptions", node); } res = instproxy_perform_command(client, command, INSTPROXY_COMMAND_TYPE_SYNC, instproxy_copy_lookup_result_cb, (void*)&lookup_result); if (res == INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS) { *result = lookup_result; } else { plist_free(lookup_result); } plist_free(command); return res; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API instproxy_error_t instproxy_install(instproxy_client_t client, const char *pkg_path, plist_t client_options, instproxy_status_cb_t status_cb, void *user_data) { instproxy_error_t res = INSTPROXY_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; plist_t command = plist_new_dict(); plist_dict_set_item(command, "Command", plist_new_string("Install")); if (client_options) plist_dict_set_item(command, "ClientOptions", plist_copy(client_options)); plist_dict_set_item(command, "PackagePath", plist_new_string(pkg_path)); res = instproxy_perform_command(client, command, status_cb == NULL ? INSTPROXY_COMMAND_TYPE_SYNC : INSTPROXY_COMMAND_TYPE_ASYNC, status_cb, user_data); plist_free(command); return res; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API instproxy_error_t instproxy_upgrade(instproxy_client_t client, const char *pkg_path, plist_t client_options, instproxy_status_cb_t status_cb, void *user_data) { instproxy_error_t res = INSTPROXY_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; plist_t command = plist_new_dict(); plist_dict_set_item(command, "Command", plist_new_string("Upgrade")); if (client_options) plist_dict_set_item(command, "ClientOptions", plist_copy(client_options)); plist_dict_set_item(command, "PackagePath", plist_new_string(pkg_path)); res = instproxy_perform_command(client, command, status_cb == NULL ? INSTPROXY_COMMAND_TYPE_SYNC : INSTPROXY_COMMAND_TYPE_ASYNC, status_cb, user_data); plist_free(command); return res; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API instproxy_error_t instproxy_uninstall(instproxy_client_t client, const char *appid, plist_t client_options, instproxy_status_cb_t status_cb, void *user_data) { instproxy_error_t res = INSTPROXY_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; plist_t command = plist_new_dict(); plist_dict_set_item(command, "Command", plist_new_string("Uninstall")); if (client_options) plist_dict_set_item(command, "ClientOptions", plist_copy(client_options)); plist_dict_set_item(command, "ApplicationIdentifier", plist_new_string(appid)); res = instproxy_perform_command(client, command, status_cb == NULL ? INSTPROXY_COMMAND_TYPE_SYNC : INSTPROXY_COMMAND_TYPE_ASYNC, status_cb, user_data); plist_free(command); return res; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API instproxy_error_t instproxy_lookup_archives(instproxy_client_t client, plist_t client_options, plist_t *result) { instproxy_error_t res = INSTPROXY_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; plist_t command = plist_new_dict(); plist_dict_set_item(command, "Command", plist_new_string("LookupArchives")); if (client_options) plist_dict_set_item(command, "ClientOptions", plist_copy(client_options)); res = instproxy_perform_command(client, command, INSTPROXY_COMMAND_TYPE_SYNC, instproxy_copy_lookup_result_cb, (void*)result); plist_free(command); return res; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API instproxy_error_t instproxy_archive(instproxy_client_t client, const char *appid, plist_t client_options, instproxy_status_cb_t status_cb, void *user_data) { instproxy_error_t res = INSTPROXY_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; plist_t command = plist_new_dict(); plist_dict_set_item(command, "Command", plist_new_string("Archive")); if (client_options) plist_dict_set_item(command, "ClientOptions", plist_copy(client_options)); plist_dict_set_item(command, "ApplicationIdentifier", plist_new_string(appid)); res = instproxy_perform_command(client, command, status_cb == NULL ? INSTPROXY_COMMAND_TYPE_SYNC : INSTPROXY_COMMAND_TYPE_ASYNC, status_cb, user_data); plist_free(command); return res; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API instproxy_error_t instproxy_restore(instproxy_client_t client, const char *appid, plist_t client_options, instproxy_status_cb_t status_cb, void *user_data) { instproxy_error_t res = INSTPROXY_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; plist_t command = plist_new_dict(); plist_dict_set_item(command, "Command", plist_new_string("Restore")); if (client_options) plist_dict_set_item(command, "ClientOptions", plist_copy(client_options)); plist_dict_set_item(command, "ApplicationIdentifier", plist_new_string(appid)); res = instproxy_perform_command(client, command, status_cb == NULL ? INSTPROXY_COMMAND_TYPE_SYNC : INSTPROXY_COMMAND_TYPE_ASYNC, status_cb, user_data); plist_free(command); return res; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API instproxy_error_t instproxy_remove_archive(instproxy_client_t client, const char *appid, plist_t client_options, instproxy_status_cb_t status_cb, void *user_data) { instproxy_error_t res = INSTPROXY_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; plist_t command = plist_new_dict(); plist_dict_set_item(command, "Command", plist_new_string("RemoveArchive")); if (client_options) plist_dict_set_item(command, "ClientOptions", plist_copy(client_options)); plist_dict_set_item(command, "ApplicationIdentifier", plist_new_string(appid)); res = instproxy_perform_command(client, command, status_cb == NULL ? INSTPROXY_COMMAND_TYPE_SYNC : INSTPROXY_COMMAND_TYPE_ASYNC, status_cb, user_data); plist_free(command); return res; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API instproxy_error_t instproxy_check_capabilities_match(instproxy_client_t client, const char** capabilities, plist_t client_options, plist_t *result) { if (!client || !capabilities || !result) return INSTPROXY_E_INVALID_ARG; plist_t lookup_result = NULL; instproxy_error_t res = INSTPROXY_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; plist_t command = plist_new_dict(); plist_dict_set_item(command, "Command", plist_new_string("CheckCapabilitiesMatch")); if (client_options) plist_dict_set_item(command, "ClientOptions", plist_copy(client_options)); if (capabilities) { int i = 0; plist_t capabilities_array = plist_new_array(); while (capabilities[i]) { plist_array_append_item(capabilities_array, plist_new_string(capabilities[i])); i++; } plist_dict_set_item(command, "Capabilities", capabilities_array); } res = instproxy_perform_command(client, command, INSTPROXY_COMMAND_TYPE_SYNC, instproxy_copy_lookup_result_cb, (void*)&lookup_result); if (res == INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS) { *result = lookup_result; } else { plist_free(lookup_result); } plist_free(command); return res; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API instproxy_error_t instproxy_status_get_error(plist_t status, char **name, char** description, uint64_t* code) { instproxy_error_t res = INSTPROXY_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; if (!status || !name) return INSTPROXY_E_INVALID_ARG; plist_t node = plist_dict_get_item(status, "Error"); if (node) { plist_get_string_val(node, name); } else { /* no error here */ res = INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS; } if (code != NULL) { *code = 0; node = plist_dict_get_item(status, "ErrorDetail"); if (node) { plist_get_uint_val(node, code); *code &= 0xffffffff; } } if (description != NULL) { node = plist_dict_get_item(status, "ErrorDescription"); if (node) { plist_get_string_val(node, description); } } if (*name) { res = instproxy_strtoerr(*name); } return res; } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API void instproxy_status_get_name(plist_t status, char **name) { if (name) { plist_t node = plist_dict_get_item(status, "Status"); if (node) { plist_get_string_val(node, name); } else { *name = NULL; } } } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API void instproxy_status_get_percent_complete(plist_t status, int *percent) { uint64_t val = 0; if (percent) { plist_t node = plist_dict_get_item(status, "PercentComplete"); if (node) { plist_get_uint_val(node, &val); *percent = val; } } } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API void instproxy_status_get_current_list(plist_t status, uint64_t* total, uint64_t* current_index, uint64_t* current_amount, plist_t* list) { plist_t node = NULL; if (status && plist_get_node_type(status) == PLIST_DICT) { /* command specific logic: parse browsed list */ if (list != NULL) { node = plist_dict_get_item(status, "CurrentList"); if (node) { *current_amount = plist_array_get_size(node); *list = plist_copy(node); } } if (total != NULL) { node = plist_dict_get_item(status, "Total"); if (node) { plist_get_uint_val(node, total); } } if (current_amount != NULL) { node = plist_dict_get_item(status, "CurrentAmount"); if (node) { plist_get_uint_val(node, current_amount); } } if (current_index != NULL) { node = plist_dict_get_item(status, "CurrentIndex"); if (node) { plist_get_uint_val(node, current_index); } } } } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API void instproxy_command_get_name(plist_t command, char** name) { if (name) { plist_t node = plist_dict_get_item(command, "Command"); if (node) { plist_get_string_val(node, name); } else { *name = NULL; } } } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API plist_t instproxy_client_options_new(void) { return plist_new_dict(); } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API void instproxy_client_options_add(plist_t client_options, ...) { if (!client_options) return; va_list args; va_start(args, client_options); char *arg = va_arg(args, char*); while (arg) { char *key = strdup(arg); if (!strcmp(key, "SkipUninstall")) { int intval = va_arg(args, int); plist_dict_set_item(client_options, key, plist_new_bool(intval)); } else if (!strcmp(key, "ApplicationSINF") || !strcmp(key, "iTunesMetadata") || !strcmp(key, "ReturnAttributes") || !strcmp(key, "BundleIDs")) { plist_t plistval = va_arg(args, plist_t); if (!plistval) { free(key); break; } plist_dict_set_item(client_options, key, plist_copy(plistval)); } else { char *strval = va_arg(args, char*); if (!strval) { free(key); break; } plist_dict_set_item(client_options, key, plist_new_string(strval)); } free(key); arg = va_arg(args, char*); } va_end(args); } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API void instproxy_client_options_set_return_attributes(plist_t client_options, ...) { if (!client_options) return; plist_t return_attributes = plist_new_array(); va_list args; va_start(args, client_options); char *arg = va_arg(args, char*); while (arg) { char *attribute = strdup(arg); plist_array_append_item(return_attributes, plist_new_string(attribute)); free(attribute); arg = va_arg(args, char*); } va_end(args); plist_dict_set_item(client_options, "ReturnAttributes", return_attributes); } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API void instproxy_client_options_free(plist_t client_options) { if (client_options) { plist_free(client_options); } } LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_API instproxy_error_t instproxy_client_get_path_for_bundle_identifier(instproxy_client_t client, const char* bundle_id, char** path) { if (!client || !client->parent || !bundle_id) return INSTPROXY_E_INVALID_ARG; plist_t apps = NULL; // create client options for any application types plist_t client_opts = instproxy_client_options_new(); instproxy_client_options_add(client_opts, "ApplicationType", "Any", NULL); // only return attributes we need instproxy_client_options_set_return_attributes(client_opts, "CFBundleIdentifier", "CFBundleExecutable", "Path", NULL); // only query for specific appid const char* appids[] = {bundle_id, NULL}; // query device for list of apps instproxy_error_t ierr = instproxy_lookup(client, appids, client_opts, &apps); instproxy_client_options_free(client_opts); if (ierr != INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS) { return ierr; } plist_t app_found = plist_access_path(apps, 1, bundle_id); if (!app_found) { if (apps) plist_free(apps); *path = NULL; return INSTPROXY_E_OP_FAILED; } char* path_str = NULL; plist_t path_p = plist_dict_get_item(app_found, "Path"); if (path_p) { plist_get_string_val(path_p, &path_str); } char* exec_str = NULL; plist_t exec_p = plist_dict_get_item(app_found, "CFBundleExecutable"); if (exec_p) { plist_get_string_val(exec_p, &exec_str); } if (!path_str) { debug_info("app path not found"); return INSTPROXY_E_OP_FAILED; } if (!exec_str) { debug_info("bundle executable not found"); return INSTPROXY_E_OP_FAILED; } plist_free(apps); char* ret = (char*)malloc(strlen(path_str) + 1 + strlen(exec_str) + 1); strcpy(ret, path_str); strcat(ret, "/"); strcat(ret, exec_str); *path = ret; if (path_str) { free(path_str); } if (exec_str) { free(exec_str); } return INSTPROXY_E_SUCCESS; }