tonie-podcast-sync allows synching podcast episodes to creative tonies.
This is a purely private project and has no association with Boxine GmbH.
- currently limited to podcasts providing mp3 files
- tested with the following podcasts:
- ... but in general, it should hopefully work with all podcasts out there
- requires Python >= 3.10.11
- if you use the
feature for a Podcast,ffmpeg
needs to be installed
tonie-podcast-sync is available as a pip package on pypi. Install via
pip install tonie-podcast-sync
You then have two options of using this: via its CLI or as a python library.
The most convienent way is to just use the CLI:
A first step is to configure tonie-podcast-sync
tonie-podcast-sync create-settings-file
The command will guide you through the process. The settings and optionally also a secret file will be stored in ~/.toniepodcastsync
Afterwards, you can run
tonie-podcast-sync update-tonies
to fetch new podcast episodes and download them onto the tonies.
If you want to perform changes (e.g. switch to another podcast), you can edit the settings file ~/.toniepodcastsync/settings.toml
in a text editor.
To periodically fetch for new episodes, you can schedule tonie-podcast-sync
e.g. via systemd (on a Linux OS).
In addition,
tonie-podcast-sync --help
provides an overview about these and other available commands.
You can use tonie-podcast-sync
by importing it into your own Python scripts, as in this example code:
from tonie_podcast_sync.toniepodcastsync import ToniePodcastSync, Podcast, EpisodeSorting
# Create some Podcast objects, providing the feed URL to each
pumuckl = Podcast("")
# By default, podcasts are placed onto Tonies by newest episode first
# If you want to change the episode sorting, following options are available
# - EpisodeSorting.BY_DATE_NEWEST_FIRST (default)
# - EpisodeSorting.BY_DATE_OLDEST_FIRST
# - EpisodeSorting.RADNOM
maus_60min = Podcast(
episode_sorting = EpisodeSorting.BY_DATE_NEWEST_FIRST
maus_gute_nacht = Podcast(
episode_sorting = EpisodeSorting.RANDOM
# If you want to adjust the volume of a podcast, set volume_adjustment to an integer other than 0
# The audio will be adjusted (+/-) by that amount in dB
anne_und_die_wilden_tiere = Podcast(
episode_sorting = EpisodeSorting.RANDOM,
volume_adjustment = -2
# Some Podcasts inject episodes that are very short (e.g. announcing a holiday break).
# `episode_min_duration_sec` can be used to filter out all episodes shorter then this value.
# the example below will skip all episodes shorter then 30 seconds.
checker_tobi = Podcast(
episode_sorting = EpisodeSorting.RANDOM,
episode_min_duration_sec = 30
# Create instance of ToniePodcastSync
tps = ToniePodcastSync("<toniecloud-username>", "<toniecloud-password>")
# For an overview of your creative Tonies and their IDs
# The IDs are needed to address specific Tonies in the next step
# Define creative Tonies based on their ID
greenTonie = "<your-tonieID>"
orangeTonie = "<your-tonieID>"
# Fetch new podcast episodes and copy them to greenTonie.
# The tonie will be filled with as much episodes as fit (90 min max).
tps.sync_podcast_to_tonie(pumuckl, greenTonie)
# Kid's should fall asleep, so let's limit the podcast
# Episodes on this tonie to 60 minutes in total.
# Use the optional parameter for this:
tps.sync_podcast_to_tonie(maus_gute_nacht, orangeTonie, 60)
For the tonie to fetch new content from tonie-cloud, you have to press one ear for 3s (until the "ping" sound) with no tonie on the box (refer also to TonieBox manual).
Alexander Hartmann 💻 🤔 🚧 |
Wilhelmsson177 💻 🤔 🚧 |
Malte Bär 🐛 |
Use the all-contributors github bot to add contributors here.
- moritj29's awesome tonie_api
- Tobias Raabe
- Matthew Wimberly