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Ansgar Becker ansgarbecker
Author of HeidiSQL and lover of astronomy and science

Aktivshop GmbH Neuenkirchen

Code4Delphi Code4Delphi
Projetos Delphi


Indomaxim Technology IndomaximTechID
The open source of today is the better technology of tomorrow

Bandung, Indonesia.

Isaque Pinheiro isaquepinheiro
My experience since 1990 has given me deep knowledge in Delphi, and I'm an active enthusiast in C++, Rust, Dart/Flutter, and TypeScript.

Tecsis Informática Brasil

Control iD controlid
Controle de Acesso e Relógio de Ponto

São Paulo

Sean Walker friendlybeastllc
Front-end developer at Friendly Beast in Dallas Texas. 15+ years development experience at a boutique design firm. I like websites.

Friendly Beast LLC Dallas

Life is bitter and short, I like Delphi and C++/Qt.
risoflora risoflora
𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑢 𝐴𝑡𝑜̂𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑜 Coding
George Hotz geohot
We will commoditize the petaflop.

@commaai @tinygrad San Diego, CA

Ben Awad benawad
React.js, Typescript, Node.js, PostgreSQL

Voidpet Austin, TX

Andrea Magni andrea-magni
Computer Engineer | Embarcadero MVP

Freelance Monza, Italy

Éder Lemke elemke

@mindtec2014 @Bicoop Vitória/ES, Brasil

Roniery Santos Cardoso Ronierys2
“Você só vai me olhar, me julgar, tirar conclusões precipitadas, mas ainda… assim não vai me conhecer.” — Dean Winchester.


Hujjat Nazari Hujjat
Full-stack Developer Building SaaS & Shopify Expert Sydney Australia

Halil Han halilhanbadem
Backend Developer

@yazilimtopluluguforum Turkey / Ankara / Çankaya

Tyler King gnikyt
A simple goal of developing solutions.


Tanvir Sakib tsakib360
Web Developer

Sakrotech Khulna, Bangladesh

Julian Garnier juliangarnier
Making Anime.js Paris

Filipe Silva ninrod
Lead Software Architect @bacen. Pix® Payment Initiation Lead.

@bacen Federal District, Brazil

Harry Gulliford harrygulliford

@inlandtechnology Australia

Popa Marius Adrian mariuz Romania

Henri Gourvest hgourvest

ProgdigySoftware SARL Luxembourg

Lucas Moura llmdev
Javascript Developer 👨‍💻

Grupo Boticário São Paulo

Matheus Hack matheushack

HackIT Consulting São Paulo, Brasil

Michalis Kamburelis michaliskambi
Project Lead of Castle Game Engine @castle-engine. CTO @cat-astrophe-games . I like open-source, game and web development, 3D standards, modern Pascal.

@castle-engine @cat-astrophe-games

Jan Adamec janadamec1

Prague, Czech Republic

Eugene Loza eugeneloza
Scientist, Ph.D. (Technical Sciences - Ecology); English/Ukrainian/Russian interpreter; Programmer (Free Pascal); Voice actor.

Kyiv, Ukraine

CnPack Team cnpack
Chinese Delphi fans, developing CnPack IDE Wizards and CnVcl Components.


Daniele Teti danieleteti
CEO & CTO @ bit Time Professionals, the Italian company specialized in high-level consultancy, training and development. Embarcadero MVP, books author Via di Valle Morta 10, 00132, Rome, Italy

Salvador Díaz Fau salvadordf
I'm an independent Windows and Android developer and the creator of BriskBard

Zaragoza, Spain

Bernardo Giordano BernardoGiordano
30, Full stack Software Engineer. Software developer, musician, writer, open source lover.


John Ralls jralls
RETIRED wafer fab manager and former Navy Submarine Engineering Duty Officer. Bachelor of Nuclear Eng., Ga. Tech 1978, MSIE Stanford 1989.

RETIRED. Fremont, California

princess_daphie daPhie79
girl, geek, coder, retro gamer, soft core amateur, you name it :)
