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My custom and patched build of dwm.
- autostart
- restartsig
- attachaside
- focusonactive
- warp
- rotatestack
- systray
- scheme switch
- fullgaps
- gridmode
- columns
- pertag
- cyclelayouts
To install this on your system, first you need the following dependencies:
yay -S nerd-fonts-ubuntu-mono
I always use that font for icons. You will also need my custom dwmblocks and ~/.local/bin scripts.
# dwm & dwmblocks
cd ~/.config
git clone
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/dwm
ln -s ~/.config/dwm/ ~/.local/share/dwm
# Scripts
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
cd ~/.local/bin
curl -sL "" -o battery
curl -sL "" -o volume
curl -sL "" -o percentage
curl -sL "" -o brightness
chmod 755 battery volume percentage brightness
# These scripts have some dependencies
sudo pacman -S pacman-contrib brightnessctl pamixer upower
Place this in your ~/.xprofile:
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
Build dwm and dwmblocks and create a new xsession:
cd ~/.config/dwm
sudo make clean install
cd ~/.config/dwm/dwmblocks
sudo make clean install
sudo cp ~/.config/dwm/dwm.desktop /usr/share/xsessions
For autostart, check ~/.dwm/ Test it with Xephyr:
Xephyr -br -ac -noreset -screen 1280x720 :1 &
DISPLAY=:1 dwm
If you want to modify bar icons, open ~/.config/dwmblocks/config.h and change these lines:
static const Block blocks[] = {
// Icon Command Update Interval Update Signal
{ " ", "checkupdates | wc -l", 60, 0 },
{ "", "brightness", 2, 0 },
{ "", "volume", 2, 0 },
{ "", "battery", 60, 0 },
{ "", "date '+ %d/%m/%Y  %H:%M%p'", 5, 0 },
Then recompile dwmblocks and restart dwm using mod + control + r.
cd ~/.config/dwm/dwmblocks
sudo make clean install
Once that's done, you can login. But keep in mind keybindings will not work unless you have the same programs that I use and the same configs. You can either change keybindings or install the software I use and my config files, check out my dotfiles repo for instructions.