import torch from torch_efficient_distloss import ( eff_distloss, eff_distloss_native, flatten_eff_distloss, ) from einops import rearrange, repeat def mse_loss(img, gt): img = img.view(gt.shape) return ((img - gt) ** 2).mean() def distortion_loss(weights, z_vals, near, far): # loss from mip-nerf 360; efficient implementation from DVGOv2 ( with some modifications # weights: [B, N, n_samples, 1] # z_vals: [B, N, n_samples, 1] assert weights.shape == z_vals.shape assert len(weights.shape) == 4 weights = rearrange(weights, "b n s 1 -> (b n) s") z_vals = rearrange(z_vals, "b n s 1 -> (b n) s") # go from z space to s space (for linear sampling; INVERSE SAMPLING NOT IMPLEMENTED) s = (z_vals - near) / (far - near) # distance between samples interval = s[:, 1:] - s[:, :-1] loss = eff_distloss(weights[:, :-1], s[:, :-1], interval) return loss def occupancy_loss(weights): # loss from lolnerf (prior on weights to be distributed as a mixture of Laplacian distributions around mode 0 or 1) # weights: [B, N, n_samples, 1] assert len(weights.shape) == 4 pw = torch.exp(-torch.abs(weights)) + torch.exp( -torch.abs(torch.ones_like(weights) - weights) ) loss = -1.0 * torch.log(pw).mean() return loss