Installation steps:
- Edit GLFTPD_PATH at top of Makefile
- Edit settings in config.hpp
- Run 'make' to build prebw utility
- Run 'make install' as root to copy binaries to glftpd's bin directory
- Copy prebw.tcl to (NGBOT-PATH)/plugins directory
- Add source (NGBOT-PATH)/plugins/prebw.tcl to bottom of eggdrop conf
- Edit ngBot.conf, ngBot.vars and your ngBot theme accordingly. See editing ngBot theme.
- Rehash eggdrop
Editing ngBot theme:
Add PREBW to your existing 'set msgtypes(SECTION)' line in ngBot.conf. If it doesn't exist, copy it from ngBot.conf.defaults and edit it.
Add PREBW variables to ngBot.vars. The number of %u1 (num users) %b1 (bandwidth) pairs depends on how many snapshots set in config.hpp. An example of 7 snapshots:
set variables(PREBW) "%pf %u1 %b1 %u2 %b2 %u3 %b3 %u4 %b4 %u5 %b5 %u6 %b6 %u7 %b7 %numusers %numgroups %traffic"
Update your theme file, using the variables defined in ngBot.vars. An example of 7 snapshots:
announce.PREBW = "[%b{prebw}] %b{%reldir} - 1s %b{%u1}@%b{%b1}MB/s 5s %b{%u2}@%b{%b2}MB/s 10s %b{%u3}@%b{%b3}MB/s 15s %b{%u4}@%b{%b4}MB/s 20s %b{%u5}@%b{%b5}MB/s 25s %b{%u6}@%b{%b6}MB/s 30s %b{%u7}@%b{%b7}MB/s - %b{%traffic}MB by %b{%numusers}u/%b{%numgroups}g"