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matt harrison mattharrison
Python and Data Science trainer and consultant

MetaSnake Utah

Stefan van der Walt stefanv
Everything Scientific Python. Works on NumPy, SciPy, scikit-image, NetworkX, etc. Author of Elegant SciPy. Researcher at UC Berkeley.

University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA

Peyton Murray peytondmurray
Software engineer and data viz nerd.

Quansight Arcata, CA

Hugo van Kemenade hugovk
Python 3.14 & 3.15 release manager, core developer, PSF Fellow, open-source maintainer, PEP editor, NaNoGenMo organiser

Helsinki, Finland

Luciano Ramalho ramalho
Author of Fluent Python

São Paulo

Chris Holdgraf choldgraf
I'm the Executive Director of @2i2c-org, supporting Open Infrastructure for Open Knowledge with @jupyter, @executablebooks, and the open source ecosystem.

@2i2c-org California

David Hewitt davidhewitt
Uniting Python & Rust. Core maintainer of PyO3 and member of @pydantic. Occasionally found on YouTube streaming PyO3 development.

@pydantic Oxford, UK

MyST Templates myst-templates
Templates for the MyST Markdown ecosystem. LaTeX, docx, and HTML
Yngve Mardal Moe yngvem
Data scientist with a passion for scientific computing, applied mathematics and computational biology.

Bouvet Oslo

Marie Roald MarieRoald
Python enthusiast and data nerd working at the National Library of Norway. Excited about open source, science outreach and visualization.

@NationalLibraryOfNorway @Sprakbanken Oslo

Jelle Zijlstra JelleZijlstra
Core developer for CPython, typing-extensions, typeshed, mypy, Black. Member of the Python Typing Council. Software engineer at OpenAI.

@openai Orinda, CA

Frank Hoffmann 15r10nk
Pythonista, maintainer of inline-snapshot, pysource-codegen, pysource-minimize and codecrumbs


Matt Bush mfbush
Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of Washington.

University of Washington Seattle

Chris Kuehl chriskuehl

@reddit San Francisco

Marc-Andre Lemburg malemburg
Long time Pythonista, CEO @eGenix, Consulting CTO, Python Expert & Consultant, Python Core Dev, @EuroPython Society Fellow, @psf Founding Fellow

@malemburg Düsseldorf, Germany

Scott Chacon schacon

@gitbutlerapp Berlin, Germany

Aaron Meurer asmeurer
Lead developer on @sympy. Doing math and Python.


Ed Maste emaste
FreeBSD Committer and Senior Director of Technology for The FreeBSD Foundation

The FreeBSD Foundation

Michael Goerz goerz
Computational physicist at U.S. Army Research Lab, working on @JuliaQuantumControl. Previously at Stanford @mabuchilab and U Kassel / FU Berlin @qucontrol

U.S. Army Research Lab New York Area

Jeremy Tuloup jtpio
Scientific Software Engineer - @jupyter @jupyterlab @jupyterlite @voila-dashboards Core Developer and Jupyter Distinguished Contributor

@QuantStack @jupyter @jupyterlab @jupyterlite Europe / Remote

The Carpentries carpentries
The Carpentries teaches foundational coding, and data science skills to researchers worldwide.
Wolf Vollprecht wolfv | Package Management, Robotics and Jupyter GmbH Berlin

iNaturalist inaturalist
iNaturalist is a global online social network of naturalists. This is our code.

Bay Area, California

Paul Ivanov ivanov
onward and awkward.
Albert Tugushev atugushev
In love with Python. Trying to dive into Python Packaging.


Pydantic pydantic
Pydantic brings schema and sanity to your data.

United Kingdom

Pangeo pangeo-data
A community effort for big data geoscience


John Hildenbiddle jhildenbiddle
I'm a systems-oriented designer, human-centered developer, and open-source author of UI, UX, and DX tools.

Austin, TX

Bob Belderbos bbelderbos
Software developer passionate about building useful tools and helping people grow their Python and programming skills.

@PyBites-Open-Source Spain

Julian hobojoe1848

@PyBites-Open-Source Sydney, Australia

Eryk Lewinson erykml
Data Scientist, Author of the Python for Finance Cookbook (published by Packt).

The Netherlands

Pablo Galindo Salgado pablogsal
@python steering council, core developer, and @psf fellow. I hate symbols but I love linkers.

@Bloomberg London, United Kingdom

Jensen Group jensengroup
Jan H. Jensen Research Group of the Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen

University of Copenhagen

Isabel Zimmerman isabelizimm
building stuff @posit-dev

@posit-dev Florida, USA

Paddy Mullen paddymul
Python/PyData/Jupyter dev. Thoughtful bug filer, aspirant open source messaging crafter, sometimes lisper.

Independent Newport, RI

AIQM aiqm
Open Consortium for AI in Quantum Chemistry
Sean Parsons seanpar203
Python & Go because I want to, Javascript because I have to.

SP Florida

Mike Sarahan msarahan

@NVIDIA Austin, TX

Sébastien Eustace sdispater
Software engineer, proud pythonista, open source lover. Creator of the Poetry package manager and the datetime library Pendulum.
