Important Note for user and tracker operators
Auto Ban Xunlei, QQ, Baidu, Xfplay, DLBT and Offline downloader
Auto Ban Unknown Peer from China Option (Default: OFF)
Auto Update Public Trackers List (Default: OFF)
Auto Ban BitTorrent Media Player Peer Option (Default: OFF)
Peer whitelist/blacklist
qBittorrent is a bittorrent client programmed in C++ / Qt that uses libtorrent (sometimes called libtorrent-rasterbar) by Arvid Norberg.
It aims to be a good alternative to all other bittorrent clients out there. qBittorrent is fast, stable and provides unicode support as well as many features.
The free IP to Country Lite database by DB-IP is used for resolving the countries of peers. The database is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Refer to the INSTALL file.
If you are using a desktop Linux distribution without any special demands, you can use AppImage from release page.
Latest AppImage download: qBittorrent-Enhanced-Edition-x86_64.AppImage
Arch Linux (Maintainer: c0re100)
Debian (Maintainer: Kolcha)
The one repository contains all variants, links to specific packages are provided for convenience.
openSUSE (Maintainer: openSUSE Chinese Community)
Ubuntu (Maintainer: poplite)
macOS (Homebrew) (Maintainer: AlexaraWu)
brew install c0re100-qbittorrent
Windows 10 & 11 (Maintainer: c0re100)
winget install c0re100.qBittorrent-Enhanced-Edition
Chocolatey (Maintainer: iYato)
choco install qbittorrent-enhanced
Scoop (Maintainer: Chawye Hsu)
scoop bucket add dorado
scoop install qbittorrent-enhanced
For more information please visit:
or our wiki here:
Use the forum for troubleshooting before reporting bugs:
Please report any bug (or feature request) to:
For enhanced features bug(such as Auto Ban, API, Auto Update Tracker lists...), please report to: