This page lists various places where the Winamp Skin Musiem project has been mentioned or discussed.
For press mentions of the core Webamp proejct, see the Webamp Press Page.
- The Verge
- Rock Paper Shotgun
- GenBeta
- PC Gamer
- PC Gamer (again)
- Gizmodo
- The Next Web
- The Next Web (again)
- Css-Tricks
- Born in Space
- TheStar
- Reddit
- r/internetisbeautiful (10.6k upvotes)
- r/internetisbeautiful (9.0k upvotes)
- r/internetisbeautiful (4.7k upvotes)
- r/tech (2.7k upvotes)
- Hacker News (690 points)
- Imgur (70k views)
- Twisted Sifter
- Product Hunt