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Unsupported C# client library for the Coda API


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This library is unsupported by Coda support. We hope someone in the community would like to drive this forward.

Generated via swagger-codegen generate -i -l csharp -o ./

IO.Swagger - the C# library for the Coda API

Introduction The Coda API is a RESTful API that lets you programmatically interact with Coda docs:

  • List and search Coda docs
  • Create new docs and copy existing ones
  • Share and publish docs
  • Discover pages, tables, formulas, and controls
  • Read, insert, upsert, update, and delete rows

Version 1 of the API will be supported until at least January 15, 2021. As we update and release newer versions of the API, we reserve the right to remove older APIs and functionality with a 3-month deprecation notice. We will post about such changes as well as announce new features in the Developers Central section of our Community, and update the API updates doc.

Getting Started

Our Getting Started Guide helps you learn the basic of working with the API and shows a few ways you can use it. Check it out, and learn how to:

  • Read data from Coda tables and write back to them
  • Build a one-way sync from one Coda doc to another
  • Automate reminders
  • Sync your Google Calendar to Coda

Using the API

Coda's REST API is designed to be straightforward to use. You can use the language and platform of your choice to make requests. To get a feel for the API, you can also use a tool like Postman or Insomnia.

API Endpoint

This API uses a base path of

Resource IDs and Links

Each resource instance retrieved via the API has the following fields:

  • id: The resource's immutable ID, which can be used to refer to it within its context
  • type: The type of resource, useful for identifying it in a heterogenous collection of results
  • href: A fully qualified URI that can be used to refer to and get the latest details on the resource Most resources can be queried by their name or ID. We recommend sticking with IDs where possible, as names are fragile and prone to being changed by your doc's users.

List Endpoints

Endpoints supporting listing of resources have the following fields:

  • items: An array containing the listed resources, limited by the limit and pageToken query parameters
  • nextPageLink: If more results are available, an API link to the next page of results
  • nextPageToken: If more results are available, a page token that can be passed into the pageToken query parameter

The maximum page size may change at any time, and may be different for different endpoints. Please do not rely on it for any behavior of your application. If you pass a limit parameter that is larger than our maximum allowed limit, we will only return as many results as our maximum limit. You should look for the presence of the nextPageToken on the response to see if there are more results available, rather than relying on a result set that matches your provided limit.

Doc IDs

While most object IDs will have to be discovered via the API, you may find yourself frequently wanting to get the ID of a specific Coda doc.

Rate Limiting

The Coda API sets a reasonable limit on the number of requests that can be made per minute. Once this limit is reached, calls to the API will start returning errors with an HTTP status code of 429. If you find yourself hitting rate limits and would like your individual rate to be raised, please contact us at


While edits made in Coda are shared with other collaborators in real-time, it can take a few seconds for them to become available via the API. You may also notice that changes made via the API, such as updating a row, are not immediate. These endpoints all return an HTTP 202 status code, instead of a standard 200, indicating that the edit has been accepted and queued for processing. This generally takes a few seconds, and the edit may fail if invalid. Each such edit will return a requestId in the response, and you can pass this requestId to the #getMutationStatus endpoint to find out if it has been applied.

Volatile Formulas

Coda exposes a number of "volatile" formulas, as as Today(), Now(), and User(). When used in a live Coda doc, these formulas affect what's visible in realtime, tailored to the current user. Such formulas behave differently with the API. Time-based values may only be current to the last edit made to the doc. User-based values may be blank or invalid.

Free and Paid Workspaces

We make the Coda API available to all of our users free of charge, in both free and paid workspaces. However, API usage is subject to the role of the user associated with the API token in the workspace applicable to each API request. What this means is:

  • For the #createDoc endpoint specifically, the owner of the API token must be a Doc Maker (or Admin) in the workspace. If the "Any member can create docs" option in enabled in the workspace settings, they can be an Editor and will get auto-promoted to Doc Maker upon using this endpoint. Lastly, if in addition, the API key owner matches the "Approved email domains" setting, they will be auto-added to the workspace and promoted to Doc Maker upon using this endpoint This behavior applies to the API as well as any integrations that may use it, such as Zapier.


To help you get started, this documentation provides code examples in Python, Unix shell, and Google Apps Script. These examples are based on a simple doc that looks something like this:

Python examples

These examples use Python 3.6+. If you don't already have the requests module, use pip or easy_install to get it.

Shell examples

The shell examples are intended to be run in a Unix shell. If you're on Windows, you will need to install WSL. These examples use the standard cURL utility to pull from the API, and then process it with jq to extract and format example output. If you don't already have it, you can either install it or run the command without it to see the raw JSON output.

Google Apps Script examples

Google Apps Script makes it easy to write code in a JavaScript-like syntax and easily access many Google products with built-in libraries. You can set up your scripts to run periodically, which makes it a good environment for writing tools without maintaining your own server. Coda provides a library for Google Apps Script. To use it, go into Resources -> Libraries... and enter the following library ID: 15IQuWOk8MqT50FDWomh57UqWGH23gjsWVWYFms3ton6L-UHmefYHS9Vl. If you want to see the library's source code, it's available here. Google provides autocomplete for API functions as well as generated docs. You can access these docs via the Libraries dialog by clicking on the library name. Required parameters that would be included in the URL path are positional arguments in each of these functions, followed by the request body, if applicable. All remaining parameters can be specified in the options object.

OpenAPI/Swagger Spec

In an effort to standardize our API and make it accessible, we offer an OpenAPI 3.0 specification: - OpenAPI 3.0 spec - YAML - OpenAPI 3.0 spec - JSON

Swagger 2.0

We also offer a downgraded Swagger 2.0 version of our specification. This may be useful for a number of tools that haven't yet been adapted to OpenAPI 3.0. Here are the links: - Swagger 2.0 spec - YAML - Swagger 2.0 spec - JSON

Postman collection

To get started with prototyping the API quickly in Postman, you can use one of links above to import the Coda API into a collection. You'll then need to set the appropriate header and environment variables.

Client libraries

We do not currently support client libraries apart from Google Apps Script. To work with the Coda API, you can either use standard network libraries for your language, or use the appropriate Swagger Generator tool to auto-generate Coda API client libraries for your language of choice. We do not provide any guarantees that these autogenerated libraries are compatible with our API (e.g., some libraries may not work with Bearer authentication).

OpenAPI 3.0

Swagger Generator 3 (that link takes you to the docs for the generator API) can generate client libraries for these languages. It's relatively new and thus only has support for a limited set of languages at this time.

Swagger 2.0

Swagger Generator takes in a legacy Swagger 2.0 specification, but can generate client libraries for more languages. You can also use local CLI tools to generate these libraries.

Third-party client libraries

Some members of our amazing community have written libraries to work with our API. These aren't officially supported by Coda, but are listed here for convenience. (Please let us know if you've written a library and would like to have it included here.)

  • PHP by Daniel Stieber
  • Node-RED by Mori Sugimoto
  • NodeJS by Parker McMullin
  • Ruby by Carlos Muñoz at
  • Python by Mikhail Beliansky

This C# SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

Frameworks supported

  • .NET 4.0 or later
  • Windows Phone 7.1 (Mango)


The DLLs included in the package may not be the latest version. We recommend using NuGet to obtain the latest version of the packages:

Install-Package RestSharp
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
Install-Package JsonSubTypes

NOTE: RestSharp versions greater than 105.1.0 have a bug which causes file uploads to fail. See RestSharp#742


Run the following command to generate the DLL

  • [Mac/Linux] /bin/sh
  • [Windows] build.bat

Then include the DLL (under the bin folder) in the C# project, and use the namespaces:

using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;


A .nuspec is included with the project. You can follow the Nuget quickstart to create and publish packages.

This .nuspec uses placeholders from the .csproj, so build the .csproj directly:

nuget pack -Build -OutputDirectory out IO.Swagger.csproj

Then, publish to a local feed or other host and consume the new package via Nuget as usual.

Getting Started

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;

namespace Example
    public class Example
        public void main()

            var apiInstance = new AccountApi();

                // Get user info
                User result = apiInstance.Whoami();
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling AccountApi.Whoami: " + e.Message );

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccountApi Whoami GET /whoami Get user info
AclApi DeletePermission DELETE /docs/{docId}/acl/permissions/{permissionId} Delete permission
AclApi GetAclMetadata GET /docs/{docId}/acl/metadata AclMetadata
AclApi GetAclPermissions GET /docs/{docId}/acl/permissions Acl
AclApi ShareDoc POST /docs/{docId}/acl/permissions Add permission
ColumnsApi GetColumn GET /docs/{docId}/tables/{tableIdOrName}/columns/{columnIdOrName} Get a column
ColumnsApi ListColumns GET /docs/{docId}/tables/{tableIdOrName}/columns List columns
ControlsApi GetControl GET /docs/{docId}/controls/{controlIdOrName} Get a control
ControlsApi ListControls GET /docs/{docId}/controls List controls
DocsApi CreateDoc POST /docs Create doc
DocsApi DeleteDoc DELETE /docs/{docId} Delete doc
DocsApi GetDoc GET /docs/{docId} Get info about a doc
DocsApi ListDocs GET /docs List available docs
FormulasApi GetFormula GET /docs/{docId}/formulas/{formulaIdOrName} Get a formula
FormulasApi ListFormulas GET /docs/{docId}/formulas List formulas
MiscellaneousApi GetMutationStatus GET /mutationStatus/{requestId} Get mutation status
MiscellaneousApi ResolveBrowserLink GET /resolveBrowserLink Resolve browser link
PagesApi GetPage GET /docs/{docId}/pages/{pageIdOrName} Get a page
PagesApi ListPages GET /docs/{docId}/pages List pages
PagesApi UpdatePage PUT /docs/{docId}/pages/{pageIdOrName} Update a page
PublishingApi ListCategories GET /categories Get doc categories
PublishingApi PublishDoc PUT /docs/{docId}/publish Publish doc
PublishingApi UnpublishDoc DELETE /docs/{docId}/publish Unpublish doc
RowsApi DeleteRow DELETE /docs/{docId}/tables/{tableIdOrName}/rows/{rowIdOrName} Delete row
RowsApi DeleteRows DELETE /docs/{docId}/tables/{tableIdOrName}/rows Delete multiple rows
RowsApi GetRow GET /docs/{docId}/tables/{tableIdOrName}/rows/{rowIdOrName} Get a row
RowsApi ListRows GET /docs/{docId}/tables/{tableIdOrName}/rows List table rows
RowsApi PushButton POST /docs/{docId}/tables/{tableIdOrName}/rows/{rowIdOrName}/buttons/{columnIdOrName} Push a button
RowsApi UpdateRow PUT /docs/{docId}/tables/{tableIdOrName}/rows/{rowIdOrName} Update row
RowsApi UpsertRows POST /docs/{docId}/tables/{tableIdOrName}/rows Insert/upsert rows
TablesApi GetTable GET /docs/{docId}/tables/{tableIdOrName} Get a table
TablesApi ListTables GET /docs/{docId}/tables List tables

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization



Unsupported C# client library for the Coda API







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