library for golang
First thanks to the 3 people who stars of the project beelog which encouraged me to rewrite beelog, and klog comes out.
klog learn from a lot other log system for golang, like beego, seelog, glog, qiniu-log.
From my experience of some project. I think there are only 5 level needed. Debug Info Warning Error Fatal
Default level is Info. Use SetLevel(level)
to change.
Default output style is
prefix 2006/01/02 03:04:05 [INFO] hello world
Use SetFlags(klog.Fdevflag)
will change output to
prefix 2006/01/02 03:04:05 [INFO] hello.go:7 hello world
Color output is default enabled in console, and auto closed when redirected to a file.
DEBUG "Cyan",
INFO "Green",
WARN "Magenta",
ERROR "Yellow",
FATAL "Red",
below this is a simple example
More usage please reference
go get
package main
import ""
func main(){
// Example 1
// use klog.StdLog, klog.DevLog for logging
klog.StdLog.Warnf("Hello world")
// output: 2013/12/01 12:00:00 [Warn] Hello world
// StdLog default level is Warning
// output: 2013/12/01 12:00:00 main.go:12 [DEBUG] Hello world
// Example 2
k2 := klog.NewLogger(nil) // Write to stdout
//k := klog.NewLogger(nil, "option-prefix") // with prefix
// Example 3
k3, err := klog.NewFileLogger("app.log")
if err != nil { ... }
k = klog.DevLog
k.Infof("Hi %s.", "Susan")
k.Warn("Oh my god, you are alive!")
k.Error("Yes, but I will go to Mars tomorrow. So only one day with you")
k.Fatal("Oh no, donot leave me again... faint") // Fatal will call os.Exit(1)