#!/usr/local/bin/perl # Show local LDAP server configuration options require './ldap-server-lib.pl'; &local_ldap_server() == 1 || &error($text{'slapd_elocal'}); $access{'slapd'} || &error($text{'slapd_ecannot'}); &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'slapd_title'}, "", "slapd"); $conf = &get_config(); @tds = ( "width=30%" ); print &ui_form_start("save_slapd.cgi", "post"); print &ui_hidden_table_start($text{'slapd_header'}, "width=100%", 2, "basic", 1,\@tds); # Top-level DN $suffix = &find_value('suffix', $conf); print &ui_table_row($text{'slapd_suffix'}, &ui_textbox('suffix', $suffix, 60)); # Admin login $rootdn = &find_value('rootdn', $conf); print &ui_table_row($text{'slapd_rootdn'}, &ui_textbox('rootdn', $rootdn, 60)); # Admin password $rootpw = &find_value('rootpw', $conf); if ($rootpw =~ /^{crypt}(.*)/i) { $rootmode = 1; $rootcrypt = $1; } elsif ($rootpw =~ /^{sha1}(.*)/i) { $rootmode = 2; $rootsha1 = $1; } elsif ($rootpw =~ /^{[a-z0-9]+}(.*)/i) { $rootmode = 3; $rootenc = $rootpw; } else { $rootmode = 0; $rootplain = $rootpw; } # Current password print &ui_table_row($text{'slapd_rootpw'}, $rootmode == 1 ? &text('slapd_root1', $rootcrypt) : $rootmode == 2 ? &text('slapd_root2', $rootsha1) : $rootmode == 3 ? &text('slapd_root3', $rootenc) : $rootplain eq '' ? $text{'slapd_noroot'} : $rootplain); # Set to new print &ui_table_row($text{'slapd_rootchange'}, &ui_opt_textbox('rootchange', undef, 30, $text{'slapd_leave'}, $text{'slapd_set'})); # Cache sizes $cachesize = &find_value('cachesize', $conf); print &ui_table_row($text{'slapd_cachesize'}, &ui_opt_textbox("cachesize", $cachesize, 10, $text{'default'})); $dbcachesize = &find_value('dbcachesize', $conf); print &ui_table_row($text{'slapd_dbcachesize'}, &ui_opt_textbox("dbcachesize", $dbcachesize, 10, $text{'default'})); # Access control options $allowdir = &find("allow", $conf); @allow = $allowdir ? @{$allowdir->{'values'}} : ( ); print &ui_table_row($text{'slapd_allow'}, &ui_select("allow", \@allow, [ map { [ $_, $text{'slapd_'.$_} ] } ( 'bind_v2', 'bind_anon_cred', 'bind_anon_dn', 'update_anon' ) ], 4, 1, 1)); # Size and time limits $sizelimit = &find_value('sizelimit', $conf); print &ui_table_row($text{'slapd_sizelimit'}, &ui_opt_textbox('sizelimit', $sizelimit, 10, $text{'default'}." (500)")); $timelimit = &find_value('timelimit', $conf); print &ui_table_row($text{'slapd_timelimit'}, &ui_opt_textbox('timelimit', $timelimit, 10, $text{'default'}." (3600 $text{'slapd_secs'})"). " ".$text{'slapd_secs'}); print &ui_hidden_table_end("basic"); # SSL section print &ui_hidden_table_start($text{'slapd_header2'}, "width=100%", 2, "ssl", 0, \@tds); # Protocols to serve if (&can_get_ldap_protocols()) { $protos = &get_ldap_protocols(); @protos = sort { $a cmp $b } keys %$protos; print &ui_table_row($text{'slapd_protos'}, &ui_select("protos", [ grep { $protos->{$_} } @protos ], [ map { [ $_, $text{'slapd_'.$_} ] } @protos ], scalar(@protos), 1)); } # SSL file options $anycert = 0; foreach $s ([ 'TLSCertificateFile', 'cert' ], [ 'TLSCertificateKeyFile', 'key' ], [ 'TLSCACertificateFile', 'ca' ]) { $cert = &find_value($s->[0], $conf); print &ui_table_row($text{'slapd_'.$s->[1]}, &ui_opt_textbox($s->[1], $cert, 50, $text{'slapd_none'}). &file_chooser_button($s->[1])); $anycert = 1 if ($cert); } print &ui_hidden_table_end("ssl"); print &ui_form_end([ [ undef, $text{'save'} ] ]); # SSL setup button print &ui_hr(); print &ui_buttons_start(); print &ui_buttons_row("gencert_form.cgi", $text{'slapd_gencert'}, $text{'slapd_gencertdesc'}. ($anycert ? "$text{'slapd_gencertwarn'}" : "")); print &ui_buttons_end(); &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'});