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Benjamin Black blenback
PhD researcher et ETH Zurich
Celray James CHAWANDA celray
Researcher, Texas A&M AgriLife. Guest Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).

Texas, United States

Land Surface Dynamics Topographic Tools (LSDTopoTools) LSDtopotools
Software for topographic analysis and other tools for geomorphology, slope stability, hydrology, and ecology.

Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Mu Li mli

Boson AI Palo Alto, CA

Michael Barton cmbarton
I am a complex systems scientist who combines anthropology, archaeology, earth science, and information technologies to study long-term dynamics and interaction

Arizona State University

Aliyun (Alibaba Cloud) Container Service AliyunContainerService
阿里云容器服务 - ACK (Container Service for Kubernetes) , ACK One, ACK Edge, ASM (Service Mesh) , ACR (Container Registry Service) 等


John Lindsay jblindsay
Geomorphometrist. Whitebox Developer. Works at University of Guelph. Co-founder of Whitebox Geospatial Inc.

University of Guelph Canada

Hui (Shawn) Shao HuiShao

University of Guelph Canada

daven davendw49
NLP, Data Science, and Data-centric AI.

Shanghai, China

CATHY group organisation
L Xinyan streamer-AP
I am currently busy with my graduation thesis, so the reply may not be timely. If you have any important questions, please contact me directly by email

UCAS Beijing

US Army Corps of Engineers
Dongdong Kong kongdd
Professor (Associate) At China University of Geosciences; 公众号: eco-hydro

China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Wuhan, China

Dai Yamazaki bigasmountain
Scientist, Global Hydrology, Assoc.Prof of U-Tokyo

U-Tokyo Tokyo

GEE Hydrology gee-hydro
Hydrology Researches on the GEE


NASA nasa
ReadOpen Data initiative here: & Instructions here:

United States of America

Alibaba alibaba
Alibaba Open Source

Hangzhou, China

Camunda Community Hub camunda-community-hub
The Camunda Community Hub is a GitHub Organization for Camunda community contributed extensions.
MiyueFE miyuesc
On coding

Moon Studio @moon-studio 重庆

YoungDon Choi DavidChoi76
Principal Researcher in K-water (Korea Water Resources Corporation)

K-water Daejeon, South Korea

Takuya Iwanaga ConnectedSystems
Senior Research Scientist @ Australian Institute of Marine Science
EasyGeoComputation lreis2415
资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室 State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System
Okanagan Basin Water Board Okanagan-Basin-Water-Board
Providing leadership to protect and enhance quality of life in the Okanagan Basin through sustainable water resource management.


Stichting Deltares Deltares
Deltares is an independent institute for applied research in the field of water and subsurface.

Delft, The Netherlands

Yong Tian DeepHydro
Yong Tian currently holds the position of research associate professor. His research interests include surface water-groundwater modeling, GIS/RS applications.

SUSTech Shenzhen, China

NOAA/NWS Office of Water Prediction (OWP) NOAA-OWP
OWP is dedicated to addressing our water challenges and fulfilling the vision of a Weather-and-Water Ready Nation.

United States of America

Seonggyu Park spark-brc

Texas A&M AgriLife Temple, TX

Daniel Hardesty Lewis dhardestylewis
Research engineer at the Texas Advanced Computing Center

@TACC Austin, United States

Chang Liao changliao1025

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland, WA

marsprj marsprj

RADI,CAS Beijing

Takashi NAKAMURA NakamuraTakashi

Institute of Science Tokyo Tokyo, Japan

Open-source watershed models WatershedModels
Collect, compile, and revise open-source watershed models for Education and Research purposes.
Linwei skywind3000
Coding since 1991


FranklinZhang franklinzhanggis

Nanjing Normal University Nanjing, China

Jo Wood jwoLondon
Professor of Visual Analytics with interests in visual design, visual storytelling and computational thinking.

@giCentre, City University of London London, UK

Zhang Dejian djzhang80

Xiamen University of Technology Xiamen, Fujian, China

DaiShaoqing GISerDaiShaoqing
Health·Urban·Ecology·GIS. I'm a PhD candidate of Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation(ITC), University of Twente

Faculty ITC, University of Twente Enschede, the Netherlands

Zhenwu xuzhenwu
play early, learn late.

IGSNRR, CAS Beijing, China

Qiusheng Wu giswqs
Associate Professor at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville | Amazon Visiting Academic

University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN

Dan Ames danames

Brigham Young University United States