React Image Gallery

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React image gallery is a React component for building image galleries and carousels

Features of `react-image-gallery`
* Mobile friendly
* Thumbnail navigation
* Fullscreen support
* Custom rendered slides
* Responsive design

## Live Demo (try it on mobile)
Live demo: [``](

## Getting started

npm install react-image-gallery

### Style import

@import "../node_modules/react-image-gallery/styles/scss/image-gallery.scss";

@import "../node_modules/react-image-gallery/styles/css/image-gallery.css";

# Webpack
import "react-image-gallery/styles/css/image-gallery";


### Example
Need more example? See [`example/app.js`](
import ImageGallery from 'react-image-gallery';

class MyComponent extends React.Component {

  handleImageLoad(event) {
    console.log('Image loaded ',

  render() {

    const images = [
        original: '',
        thumbnail: '',
        originalClass: 'featured-slide',
        thumbnailClass: 'featured-thumb',
        originalAlt: 'original-alt',
        thumbnailAlt: 'thumbnail-alt',
        thumbnailLabel: 'Optional',
        description: 'Optional description...',
        srcSet: 'Optional srcset (responsive images src)',
        sizes: 'Optional sizes (image sizes relative to the breakpoint)'
        original: '',
        thumbnail: ''
        original: '',
        thumbnail: ''

    return (
        ref={i => this._imageGallery = i}


# Props

* `items`: (required) Array of objects, see example above,
* `infinite`: Boolean, default `true`
  * infinite sliding
* `lazyLoad`: Boolean, default `false`
* `showNav`: Boolean, default `true`
* `showThumbnails`: Boolean, default `true`
* `showFullscreenButton`: Boolean, default `true`
* `showPlayButton`: Boolean, default `true`
* `showBullets`: Boolean, default `false`
* `showIndex`: Boolean, default `false`
* `autoPlay`: Boolean, default `false`
* `disableThumbnailScroll`: Boolean, default `false`
  * disables the thumbnail container from adjusting
* `slideOnThumbnailHover`: Boolean, default `false`
  * slides to the currently hovered thumbnail
* `disableArrowKeys`: Boolean, default `false`
* `disableSwipe`: Boolean, default `false`
* `defaultImage`: String, default `undefined`
  * an image src pointing to your default image if an image fails to load
  * handles both slide image, and thumbnail image
* `onImageError`: Function, `callback(event)`
  * overrides defaultImage
* `onThumbnailError`: Function, `callback(event)`
  * overrides defaultImage
* `indexSeparator`: String, default `' / '`, ignored if `showIndex` is false
* `slideInterval`: Integer, default `3000`
* `startIndex`: Integer, default `0`
* `onImageLoad`: Function, `callback(event)`
* `onSlide`: Function, `callback(currentIndex)`
* `onScreenChange`: Function, `callback(fullscreenElement)`
* `onPause`: Function, `callback(currentIndex)`
* `onPlay`: Function, `callback(currentIndex)`
* `onClick`: Function, `callback(event)`
* `renderItem`: Function, custom item rendering
  * As a prop on a specific item `[{thumbnail: '...', renderItem: '...'}]`
  * As a prop passed into `ImageGallery` to completely override `_renderItem`, see original below
      _renderItem(item) {
        const onImageError = this.props.onImageError || this._handleImageError

        return (
          <div className='image-gallery-image'>
              item.description &&
                <span className='image-gallery-description'>

# Functions

* `play()`: continuous plays if image is not hovered
* `pause()`: pauses the slides
* `fullScreen()`: activates full screen
* `exitFullScreen()`: deactivates full screen
* `slideToIndex(index)`: slides to a specific index
* `getCurrentIndex()`: returns the current index

# Notes

* Feel free to contribute and or provide feedback!

# Build the example locally

git clone
npm install
npm start

Then open [`localhost:8001`]( in a browser.

# License