An example of Actor model in Erlang
$ make
$ erl -pa ebin
$ Pid = actor_model:create_actor().
> spawned new process under Pid --> <0.62.0>
> <0.62.0>
$ actor_model:send_message(Pid, 10).
> I've got an Integer from <0.60.0> actor, lets multiply it by 2 and will get ->> 20
> {<0.60.0>,10}
$ actor_model:send_message(Pid, [10, 30]).
> I've got a List from <0.60.0> actor, lets concat it with another one ->> [10, 30, 1, 2, 3]
> {<0.60.0>,[10,30]}
$ actor_model:send_message(Pid, atom).
> I've got unexpected message from <0.60.0> actor, process will be terinated
> {<0.60.0>,atom}