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The world is a huge grass-roots team.
  • Beijing, China.

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Phil Wang lucidrains
Working with Attention. It's all we need

San Francisco

Andrej karpathy
I like to train Deep Neural Nets on large datasets.


Iris Series: Visualize Math -- From Arithmetic Basics to Machine Learning Visualize-ML
鸢尾花书:从加减乘除到机器学习; 全套7册。Visualizing Mathematics for Machine Learning. 7 Books. ~6000 vector images. Language: Simplified Chinese 简体中文. Python.
Zhuiyi Technology is a leading enterprise intelligent service AI company in China. We focus on deep learning and NLP.

Shenzhen Zhuiyi Technology Co., Ltd. Shenzhen

Bayes love me one more time gpa10student

The University of Sydney Sydney

AI4Finance Foundation AI4Finance-Foundation
A Nonprofit Organization Dedicated to Advancing AI in the Finance Industry through Promoting Better Standardization and Open-Source Tooling.

New York City

OpenBMB (Open Lab for Big Model Base), founded by ModelBest Inc (面壁智能) & TsinghuaNLP, aims to build foundation models and systems towards AGI.
浅墨(毛星云) QianMo
Game Programmer

Tencent Shenzhen, China

Zhiyuan Liu zibuyu

Tsinghua University Beijing

orangetwo orangetwo
A rookie.


Lvmin Zhang (Lyumin Zhang)

AI Everywhere

Guan Wang crownpku
I train myself to train machines.

Manulife Singapore

Alex Yang himself65
Coding for fun.

@run-llama Mountain View, CA

刘建平(Pinard Liu) ljpzzz
Never stop learning.

Guangzhou, China

Yufan You ouuan
Cyber Security / Arch Linux / THU / former OIer / @Chiyuru

Tsinghua University Beijing, China

稚晖 peng-zhihui

HUAWEI Research Shanghai

Chaoyang He chaoyanghe
Co-founder and CTO at FedML Inc; Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles

FedML, USC California

立党 Lidang lidangzzz
Creator of Hedgehog Lab and Hedgehog Computing Group

@Hedgehog-Computing Texas

Yangqing Jia Yangqing
Startup. Former VP @alibaba. Ex-@facebook @google @BVLC. Created Caffe, @caffe2, @onnx. Co-led @pytorch 1.0. @tensorflow contributor. @ucberkeley alumni.

@leptonai Berkeley

Qi Qi qiqi789

Haikou, China

Dalin Huang dalindev
Nano is not the next Bitcoin; Nano is Nano.

Ottawa, Earth #7

Allen Downey AllenDowney
Professor Emeritus at Olin College, author of Think Python, Think Bayes, Think Stats, and other books. Blog author of Probably Overthinking It.

Olin College of Engineering Needham, MA, USA

Zhiwei Li Fancy911

UESTC Chengdu, Sichuan

ZhouQing RobenQ


Burning up with curiosity. MSc in Computer Engineering; pythonista, dad and doodler

@dvisionlab Bergamo, Italy

Synced jiqizhixin


Tesla Zhang‮ ice1000
Type theory daisuki

@plctlab Pennsylvania, Gensokyo

xqq xqq

Danmaku Council Japan

Main contributor of @vczh-libraries . Microsoft github account:

Seattle, WA, USA

破娃酱 breakwa11
二次元|喵星人|技術宅|學生|膜法少女|沒有威嚴的大小姐|黑長直,偶爾写写程式_(•̀ω•́ 」∠)__。最近壓力山大,因為天天被罵人品差和智障。喜歡玩遊戲、聊天。歡迎來撩,喜歡我请fo然后。。。

喵嗷污, China

Gary Wang BLumia
Love messing around....

The Void

夜光喵喵 ShadowPower
最近不常用了 Twitter: shadowpower_ Blog:

ShangHai China

Martin Kleppe aemkei
Mapper. Reducer. – Co-Founder of @ubilabs, GDE for the Google Maps API, Organizer of HHjs and @jsunconf, Code-Golfing at

Ubilabs Hamburg, Germany