A Jekyll plugin that uses uncss to remove unused css rules in selected stylesheets.
cd YOUR_JEKYLL_DIR/_plugins && git submodule add https://github.com/episource/jekyll-uncss.git
This plugin depends on uncss. See uncss for installation instructions.
The plugin is executed in jekyll environment JEKYLL_ENV=production
, only. Therefore jekyll must be invoked like JEKYLL_ENV=production jekyll [...]
Configure uncss by adding a uncss
node to your _config.yml. The stylesheets
option is mandatory, all others are optional. By default all html files (**/*.html
) are considered. Use the files
option to change this.
For most option there's a corresponding uncss option and the configuration is just passed through (maybe with some path adjustments). A noticable exception is the stylesheets
option: Instead of passing all css files to uncss at once (which would result in the stylesheets being merged), the css files are passed one by one. So each file given is processed separately.
stylesheets: # a list of stylesheets to be processed; mandatory
- assets/css/main.css
files: # html files to consider, globs are supported; default: **/*.html
- "**/*.html"
- "**/*.htm"
compress: true # compress resulting css with sass; default: false
ignore: # always keep rules for these selectors; default: none
- ".is-loading"
- "#titleBar"
media: # additional media queries to consider; default: undefined
- print
timeout: 30 # how long to wait for the JS to be loaded in milliseconds; default: undefined
banner: false # should the output include a banner comment; default: undefined
Note: The ignore
option can also be included as a css comment. See uncss documentation for details.
Set configuration option timeout
or increase its value: uncss-0.17.0 started to evaluate scripts. Without timeout or with timeout to short, loading of scripts may fail. The timeout option is given in milliseconds.