My name is Eric, and I am a computer science PhD student at Virginia Tech.
- 🔭 Sometimes I have worked on various software projects. You can see some of them these here on my "educational"/"professional" GitHub and here on my "personal" GitHub. Sometimes I contribute to wikis, the main one being here.
- 🌱 I am currently doing research under Prof. Dan Williams at Virginia Tech, researching trusted execution environments (TEEs) and eBPF. I am also taking a class on Linux kernel programming and one on research methods.
- 🧠 I have strong experience in Java, C, and MediaWiki, and basic knowledge of Ruby, Rust, JavaScript, Groovy, HTML, CSS, Assembly (MIPS, x86, RISC-V), and SQL. I have some experience with Lisp, Python, Verilog, Bash, Lua, C#, MATLAB, Mathematica, and TypeScript. Maybe other things, who knows!
- 💬 Ask me about anything you want!
- 📫 How to reach me: my website has links to everywhere.
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him/his
- 🤷 Frequently, information on me online is outdated. This profile picture is 5 years old; I am not as young and cute as I used to be, and in fact, I have transformed into a goblin 👺. It is what it is!