NIF bindings for the captcha Rust implementation
The package can be installed by adding captcha
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:captcha, "~> 0.1", hex: :captcha_nif}
Documentation can be found at
Rust Documentation can be found at
Crate to generate CAPTCHAs.
Easy example:
iex> {chars, png} = Captcha.easy()
{"SnZw8", <<...>>}
iex> File.write!("captcha.png", png)
Or create by custom chars:
iex> Captcha.easy(set_color: %{r: 0, g: 116, b: 204})
{"SnZw8", <<...>>}
Create by options:
iex> Captcha.create(
...> set_chars: "123456789abcdefgABCDEFG",
...> add_chars: 6,
...> set_color: %{r: 0, g: 116, b: 204},
...> view: %{w: 220, h: 120},
...> filters: [filter, ...]
...> )
{"78a23G", <<...>>}
More use case can see: test/captcha_test.exs or rust docs.