title | intro | redirect_from | versions | shortTitle | ||||||||||||
Apply to GitHub Education as a teacher |
If you're a teacher, you can apply to join {% data variables.product.prodname_global_campus %} and receive access to the resources and benefits of {% data variables.product.prodname_education %}. |
Apply to GitHub Education |
{% data reusables.education.about-github-education-link %}
{% data reusables.education.educator-requirements %}
For more information about personal accounts on {% data variables.product.product_name %}, see "AUTOTITLE."
{% data reusables.education.benefits-page %} {% data reusables.education.click-get-teacher-benefits %}
- Under "Select the academic status", select Teacher. {% data reusables.education.select-email-address %} {% data reusables.education.school-name %} {% data reusables.education.plan-to-use-github %} {% data reusables.education.upload-proof-status %} {% data reusables.education.submit-application %}
- {% data variables.product.prodname_education %}
- {% data variables.product.prodname_classroom %} Videos
- [{% data variables.product.prodname_education_community %}]({% data variables.product.prodname_education_forum_link %})