title | intro | redirect_from | versions | topics | shortTitle | ||||||||
Exploring early access releases with feature preview |
You can use feature preview to see products or features that are available in {% data variables.release-phases.public_preview %} and to enable or disable each feature for your personal account. |
Feature preview |
{% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}'s products and features can go through multiple release phases.
Phase | Description |
{% data variables.release-phases.private_preview_caps %} | The product or feature is under heavy development and often has changing requirements and scope. The feature is available for demonstration and test purposes but may not be documented. {% data variables.release-phases.private_preview_caps %} releases are not necessarily feature complete, no service level agreements (SLAs) are provided, and there are no technical support obligations. Note: A product or feature released as a "Technology Preview" is considered to be in the {% data variables.release-phases.private_preview %} release stage. Technology Preview releases share the same characteristics of {% data variables.release-phases.private_preview %} releases as described above. |
{% data variables.release-phases.public_preview_caps %} | The product or feature is ready for broader distribution. {% data variables.release-phases.public_preview_caps %} releases can be public or private, are documented, but do not have any SLAs or technical support obligations. |
General availability (GA) | The product or feature is fully tested and open publicly to all users. GA releases are ready for production use, and associated SLA and technical support obligations apply. |
You can see a list of features that are available in {% data variables.release-phases.public_preview %} and a brief description for each feature. Each feature includes a link to give feedback.
{% data reusables.feature-preview.feature-preview-setting %}
- To view details for a feature, in the left sidebar, click the feature's name.
- Optionally, to the right of a feature's name, click Enable or Disable.