title | shortTitle | intro | versions | type | topics | allowTitleToDifferFromFilename | |||||||
Copying an existing {% data variables.projects.project_v2 %} |
Copying a project |
You can use an existing project as a template by copying it. |
tutorial |
true |
You can copy an existing project and use it as a template to save time configuring your views and custom fields.
When you copy a project, the new project will contain the same {% data reusables.projects.what-gets-copied %}. The new project will not contain the original project's items, collaborators, or team and repository links.
{% data reusables.projects.org-templates %}
Navigate to the project you want to copy.
In the top-right, click {% octicon "kebab-horizontal" aria-label="More options" %} to open the menu.
In the menu, click {% octicon "copy" aria-hidden="true" %} Make a copy.
Optionally, if you want all draft issues to be copied with the project, in the "Make a copy" dialog, select Draft issues will be copied if selected.
Under "Owner", select either the organization that will own the new project or your personal account.
Under "New project name", type the name of the new project.
Click Copy project.