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@conda-forge @jupyterlab @RoboStack @voila-dashboards

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Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Arjun Verma arjxn-py
Living life @ 1.5x

@Quantstack New Delhi

Sylvain Corlay SylvainCorlay
@jupyter core team member, @xtensor-stack co-author, @QuantStack founder, @numfocus board member

QuantStack Paris

Shelan Ravin de Livera shelan-de-livera
Cloud | DevOps | SRE | BSc Computer Science (Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence) - First Class Honours

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Lunin Leonid lrlunin
M. Sc. physics student at the Technical University of Berlin. Average C++ fan and average python enjoyer.

TU Berlin Berlin

@robotairio robotairio
The DevOps platform for Robotics and AI Porto

Owen Lamont owenlamont
I'm a developer/analyst with interests in data visualisation, machine learning, computer graphics, and Python

OptiGrid Adelaide, Australia

Brendan Meade brendanjmeade
Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences at Harvard University

Harvard University Cambridge, MA

Alexis Paques AlexisTM
Yet another muffin; 🧁

Brussels, Belgium

Gokul gokulyc Python and React Enthusiast


Afshin Taylor Darian afshin

@jupyter @quantstack London

Anthony AnthonyCvn

Hamburg, Germany

Eshwar Sundar eshwarne
An avid programmer and a film maker, Engineer.

Microsoft Vellore, TamilNadu

Tamer Abousoud tsoud
Lifelong learner, math lover, and computer enthusiast. Data engineer, data scientist and/or programmer, depending on the day of the week.



China Guangdong

Ariel Silvio Norberto RAMOS asnramos
Programmer, Developer, Teach Technology, Organizer, Logistic.-

JupyterLATAM, PythonNorte, SciPyLatam/Argentina, Python_Cientifico.- Ciudad de Salta, Argentina

Mariana Meireles marimeireles
:octocat: octocatnaut & opensourcerer 🧙🏼‍♀️

@mpievolbio-scicomp berlin

David Brochart davidbrochart
Scientific Software Engineer. Jupyter developer.

@QuantStack France