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@conda-forge @jupyterlab @RoboStack @voila-dashboards

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Manuel Martinez Baños manujose94
The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. Gitlab:

Aielo de Malferit(Valencia)

Matias Godoy mattogodoy
Jack of all trades, master of none

Madrid, Spain

ROS 2 ros2
Version 2 of the Robot Operating System (ROS) software stack
Afshin Taylor Darian afshin

@jupyter @quantstack London

Frédéric Collonval fcollonval
Scientific Software Engineer @webscit working mainly on @jupyter tools and currently for @datalayer.

WebScIT France

Moisés Pastor moisesPastor

Universitat Politècnica de València

Miguel Domingo midobal
Ph.D. researcher at @PRHLT Research Center from Universitat Politècnica de València.
Tobias Fischer Tobias-Fischer
I am a Senior Lecturer in the Queensland University of Technology Centre for Robotics. My research interests are in computer vision and robotics

Queensland University of Technology Brisbane, Australia

Bartosz Telenczuk btel
data scientist, Python dev, teacher

freelancer Paris

Madhur Tandon madhur-tandon
Software, Design & all things Science 🧬

Delhi, India

Sylvain Corlay SylvainCorlay
@jupyter core team member, @xtensor-stack co-author, @QuantStack founder, @numfocus board member

QuantStack Paris

Johan Mabille JohanMabille
@xtensor-stack co-author, @jupyter core team member, C++ teacher at Ecole Polytechnique

QuantStack Paris

Rafa Sánchez sanromra
Volunteer Student-Researcher @ USC-ISI | MSCS(AI) Student @ USC Viterbi | Fulbright 2021-2023 Scholar | ex-Amazon SDE Intern

Los Angeles

Grant Sanderson 3b1b
I make videos about math.


martinRenou martinRenou
Scientific Software Engineer at @QuantStack.

@QuantStack Angers (France)

Jeremy Tuloup jtpio
Scientific Software Engineer - @jupyter @jupyterlab @jupyterlite @voila-dashboards Core Developer and Jupyter Distinguished Contributor

@QuantStack @jupyter @jupyterlab @jupyterlite Europe / Remote

David Brochart davidbrochart
Scientific Software Engineer. Jupyter developer.

@QuantStack France

Mariana Meireles marimeireles
:octocat: octocatnaut & opensourcerer 🧙🏼‍♀️

@mpievolbio-scicomp berlin

Wolf Vollprecht wolfv | Package Management, Robotics and Jupyter GmbH Berlin

Sergio Herrero sergioh213
Software engineer
