Template: 20 points Poster presentation: 10 points
Think of your case study as a story. You will create a poster presentation that may be comprised of multiple panels.
Unless you are a remote student not in the local area, you should plan to create a real poster that you will use in a poster presentation at the end of the course. You will also turn in an electronic version. If you are not in the local area, please make a short video (e.g., 5-10 minutes) and share the link with the class on Slack. Your format should be a professional quality publication design that you would feel comfortable presenting to a customer.
Be sure to communicate:
- The challenge problem
- The target user population
- Your design solution for nudging or affecting behavior and your desired outcome
- Design decisions that link to scientific concepts explored in this class
- How you might evaluate the effectiveness of your design
- The most useful concept(s) or interesting idea(s) you drew from the class
This is a chance to show off your ideas and thinking - and sell us on your idea. In our poster session, we will break into groups to view posters and hear your stories.