- 🔭 I’m currently building a new startup after selling my last company to Stripe
- 📫 I love meeting new people, drop me an email or DM to chat!
- ✍️ I write every so often on my blog and tweet
- 🌱 I’m currently enjoying digging into tmux and terminal productivity more (check out my dotfiles)
- 💬 I really enjoy personal productivity, check out hyper-focus
- European Experiment: Cholesterol & HA1C After Two Months of Living In Italy (4 months ago)
- Learning Caddy Server (5 months ago)
- The Future and AI, Part 1 (5 months ago)
- How To Get Things Done (5 months ago)
- Mastering Tmux (5 months ago)
- Supercharged Zsh Command History (5 months ago)
- iloveitaly/pytest-playwright-visual-snapshot - Easy pytest visual regression testing using playwright
- iloveitaly/ipython-playground - Understand what is in your ipython playground.
- iloveitaly/ipython_copy -
- iloveitaly/structlog_config -
- iloveitaly/uv-development-toggle - Easily toggle between development and production packages with uv. Quickly close development packages locally.
- iloveitaly/react-router-shadcn-playground -