import { danger, warn, schedule } from 'danger'
// can't use import in JS
const spellcheck = require('danger-plugin-spellcheck').default
const JSON5 = require('json5')
const fs = require('fs')

const whitelistWords = JSON5.parse(fs.readFileSync('./.vscode/cSpell.json')).words
// let's spellcheck
    ignore: => word.toLowerCase()),
    whitelistFiles: ['docs/'],

// Enforce yarn.lock updates
const packageChanged = danger.git.modified_files.includes('package.json')
const yarnLockfileChanged = danger.git.modified_files.includes('yarn.lock')
const npmLockfileChanged = danger.git.modified_files.includes('package-lock.json')
if (packageChanged && !yarnLockfileChanged) {
  const message = 'Changes were made to package.json, but not to yarn.lock'
  const idea = 'Perhaps you need to run `yarn install`?'
  warn(`${message} - <i>${idea}</i>`)
// // Enforce package-lock.json
// if (packageChanged && !npmLockfileChanged) {
//   const message = 'Changes were made to package.json, but not to package-lock.json'
//   const idea = 'Perhaps you need to run `npm install`?'
//   warn(`${message} - <i>${idea}</i>`)
// }